when things get too real for me_irl
For relatable posts that are too real for !me_irl. Meaning jokes/posts about mental health issues and self deprecating humour.
This is a subreddit for memes that hit too close to home or are too real for communities like !me_irl
If you have depression, talk to a therapist, it really does help. You are not alone, and recovery is possible and worth it.
If you find jokes about suicide, depression or self harm upsetting, this sub might not be the right place for you. This is a place for people who use self deprecating humor as a coping mechanism, not for those making fun of mental illness.
With that out of the way, the rules are as follows:
Asking for upvotes/downvotes will get you banned. And any other vote related bullshit for that matter.
Posts MUST be in some way "too real" or hit to close to home. If it doesn't make you laugh and feel sad at the same time, don't post it here. Posts that do not fit the sub may be removed.
Being edgy doesn't make a post good. Post content that you find a bit too relatable, not something making fun of people with depression.
Posts should be titled 2meirl4meirl or some variation, but other titles are fine for ~~shitposts~~ self posts.
Be supportive. Most people here are going through something, and sometimes all it takes to improve a shitty day is just a little kindness from an Internet stranger.
Racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, any other form of discrimination and general dickishness will not be tolerated.
Mark NSFW content as such. And please don't post NSFL content.
Reposts are allowed, but discouraged
Don't link to an image if it won't be there permanently. Basically, just don't link to files hosted on 4chan.
Again, please don't be an asshole.
You won't have superpowers, but nothing is stopping you from fighting cartoonish villains.
Um the police/fbi are specifically there to stop people from fighting their cartoonishly evil masters. And you aren’t really considered a hero for doing that.
yeah but that would involve him getting off his ass to do it
The food bank is right there in your town looking for volunteers.
I mean Elon is right therr
Too many is worse than none
When I get that funny feeling I ask myself:
Who, where and when would I rather be? Some celebrity? A pesant from 1600? Some random bird? My grandpa? A hunter gatherer?
This humbles me. For a brief moment, I get to be part of the superorganism we call earth.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.
Thoreau, Walden
hobbies that will never fill the void
sounds like they just haven’t found their hobby yet
People who feel this way might do well to add some adventure into their lives. It doesn't need to be expensive. Walk or bike somewhere new. Try new foods. Blast some lines off a hooker's massive fake tits, and blow a load all over her face. You know, the basics of a healthy life.
Find better hobbies. Consume information, and then use that information to create. There are so many free resources if you are willing to look. Find friends who make those drab moments fly by. Talk to a professional if you legitimately cannot find the joy in anything. If you see parts of your world that could be changed for the better, then be a part of that change. Who cares if you’re just one person? What were you going to do with your time instead? Jerk off and shitpost?
No one is the secret heir to a magical legacy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make the parts of the world we inhabit as beautiful as possible in the time we have.
Always make sure you're doing things that are known to be good for your mental and emotional wellbeing. Get out into the sunshine, do physical exercise, socialise and talk to people that you care about. And don't neglect your hobbies.
Maybe do some volunteer work. The real heroes are the ones selflessly helping those in need. I know I always feel great after volunteering.
"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis."
Diane Nguyen put it perfectly:
I guess I had my happy ending, but every happy ending has the day after the happy ending, and the day after that.
There's no single happily ever after because there's always more time, until you die. So just keep living as if you're already in it.
Funny thing is, expectations that some cool fantasy things could exist are there because... you consumed a lot of media at some point.
Are you okay OP?
Frankly, no. Life's not going too well right now
Does it help to know that you're not alone in that?
Sorry to hear that. Make sure you reach out to family or friends you trust so they know how you're doing.
I guess my baseline idea of existence is chronic pain and immobility, or not existing at all, so I've always been really happy to wake up and be able to see and hear and read and dance and talk, and fuck and love and all - I really and truly enjoy being physically embodied, and to get so much of my time without hurting too.
Also, quite honestly, every day I wake up glad to be an adult and not a child and every single day still glad I don't have to go to school. Did not like being a kid but adulthood has been mostly really good, and has involved an arc from desperately poor to ok with a family so that's been surprising and happy too.
It's genuinely nice to hear you're enjoying your time here, and that your "trajectory" seems to be for the better.
Mine's been pretty much the opposite. My health started taking a sharp turn for the worse a bit before COVID got going, and I still haven't come to terms with all of it. Started off with a tumor in a particularly vexing place, which caused personality changes over a couple of years although I didn't know it at the time, and doctors chalked up my mental and physical symptoms to everything from anxiety to panic attacks to HIV (which I don't have and really had no chance of having). My up to that point fantastic marriage disintegrated because I turned into an anxious and tired mess, and I was frankly a shit partner. A while after the divorce I lost my job in the company I helped found because the tumor affected my cognitive function too, but doctors kept telling me it's just anxiety, depression, alcoholism, what the fuck ever.
After a while I did end up getting a correct diagnosis, and when I got radiotherapy it triggered an autoimmune condition that really fucked me up, but that also took more than a year to actually get diagnosed correctly, and at that point there'd already been enough damage that it took 20 years off my life expectancy. Naturally the radiotherapy didn't do the trick so I also needed surgery, and its complications combined with the autoimmune stuff have left me unable to work and generally so tired that I can barely function. Haven't had the energy to eg. see my friends all that much, and since I now live alone I can sometimes go for weeks without speaking to another human (I talk to myself a lot…). I'm often in neuropathic and arthritic pain, and I can't even fucking swallow too well anymore because of nerve damage, so eating and sometimes even drinking is a chore and can lead to coughing fits. Thanks to the autoimmune stuff I occasionally get, well… let's say acute diarrhea which has led me to shitting my pants a couple of times because I couldn't get to the toilet in time, and I was at home the second time that happened. So leaving the apartment can be a dicey proposition sometimes for days at a time. I drink way too much nowadays, but it's either that or having to deal with all this sober, and I don't have the energy for that, let alone interest.
If I'm being honest, I'm just waiting to die, and hoping it'll happen sooner rather than later because none of this is curable and will only get worse. My life has lost all meaning, and it's difficult to enjoy anything anymore due to constant brain fog, pain, and tiredness.
Aww. I am sorry, I hope you can find some joy in being alive and also that you can have a gentle end on your own terms.
I got into a funk like that semi-recently. I broke my ankle/leg and had to have surgery and ended up laid up at my parents' place for 3 months. I decided, while laying in a bed feeling sorry for myself, to start acting on all the things I've been wanting to do/achieve. That's how I signed up for horseback riding lessons and have a long-term goal of getting a horse. Life is too short to just dream of owning a horse again(I had horses fory entire childhood). I'm going to make that dream happen, and get back in the saddle before I get my own critter lol.
I've also started going out with friends more and treating myself to things like eating at a new restaurant, when funds permit of course. It's the little things that are also important. Like the tiny cactus I got for my desk at work. Lil dude is smaller than my thumb and it livens up my workspace. Best $5 spent recently lol. Can't wait to see if it is a flowering cactus. I have no idea what kind it actually is lmao.
I used to just go home after work and hang out inside, which was NOT fulfilling. I'm much happier now that I have fun things to look forward to and an attainable long-term goal.
Lucretius (a follower of Epicurus) pointed out that if you can't be content with just existing, getting more out of life won't actually make you happy. Yeah, being a wage slave sucks, and we need to liberate ourselves. But we also have to learn to just be happy with being, or we'll always be stuck running away from ourselves.
Welcome to life, fucker. Enjoy it or don't basically
Good, embrace that feeling. You are supposed to be free, to be remembered for your contributions to us all. But having free time right now is bad. Our society wants us to work until we die, even though a lot of basic services and goods are no longer scarce. We have to work to survive because going at our own pace will upset the powers that be.
Or reject capitalism. Be free and live on your own terms with syndicalism.
Real. Ngl I just do weird shit just to keep going. Drugs, alcohol, self harm, binging happy anime, porn. I wish I died. But at this point the addictions want me to live to experience another hit.
Brain chemistry is a bitch, my friend. I am an indulger as well. But I’m trying to be less so.
Thats... one way of looking at it.
so organize and unionize, comrade.
don't wallow in pity and despair, use the misery as motivation to improve things. If things are already unbearable, surely it won't hurt to make some noise about it and inspire change.
I make video games as a hobby. Ya gotta find something you really enjoy doing outside of your job.
It's all in your perspective. Look up at the stars and the amazing things space has to offer. We aren't all that's out there in the universe. The universe is much more wonderful and strange than you can ever imagine.
"Man's search for meaning"
When one focuses on the meaningless, of course there's no meaning.
Life is... It's up to us as individuals to find our own meaning.
A primal one throughout history is family. The older I get, the more meaningful I find it to help family/friends, rather than focus on my own issues. It really helps us move beyond our own barriers and mundane concerns.
If I can pass on something of real meaning and value to my nieces and nephews, then I'll have accomplished something significant. It's the best one can hope for, and if we were all so fortunate to do the same, the difference it would make for mankind would be immeasurable.
Not a singular great hero, just millions of us doing seemingly small, but significant things.
Yeah... let's tear down the system and replace it with something that's soul enriching instead of soul sucking