climate change: lol I'm going to erase Florida.
Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.
Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.
As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades:
How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:
Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:
Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.
No. Climate change is going to drown Florida. That's a completely different thing.
What could go wrong it’s not like Florida is at any risk for damage from rising seas right!?!?? Right!?!?!?
They'll just blame it on wokeness
I told you people to not say gay and look what happened!!!
nah, the fundies are gonna have a field day with this one.
Rising seas aside, Florida has already been hit by some major hurricanes in recent years and hurricanes are predicted to just get worse with climate change.
DeSantis and anyone who follows him really are fools. Same with the Trump fans. Fools. There is no other way to put it nicer. I hope the smart people in Florida step up and make some noise, but they are probably busy moving out.
As far as I can tell, the trump supporters are several levels detached from reality. We can talk about their real grievances that led to them supporting trump initially, but that was the mile one, 800 miles in the rear view mirror.
It's such a missed opportunity. Climate change could be used as a blanket excuse for a boon in technology, construction, transport network development, urban redesign, an agricultural revolution and all the investment, tourism, etc that would come with that. Adapting our communities and ways of life toward a sustainable world could be an awesome process and something to celebrate. Any politician that sees this and runs with it will look like a hero for relatively little effort.
They wouldn't be heros to their donors, who have a lot invested (literally) in keeping things burning (also literally).
Don't you love it when the universe gives you the perfect gift.
Love it! 😄
Fucking glorious.
It's only fair. After all, climate change is going to erase Florida.
My first thought as well.
Reality kind of has this way of not giving a fuck about politics.
Edit: (tap for gif)
Lol, why not make climate change illegal? That was only the criminals would change the climate
We should impeach climate
I say we go to war with it.
We already are at war with climate 🌚
Democrats need to begin to understand that even if they don't think they're at war, Republicans do. They should start fighting like it.
How did florida become a shithole btw? As a european for a long time i thought florida was a hotspot for queer culture.
From what I hear, it's left wing in the big cities, right wing everywhere else. And the electorates or whatever they call them are Gerrymandered so that the right wing areas have more voting power than the left wing. Basically the local government is doing everything they can to keep in power, shitty or not.
Don't quote me though. I'm an Aussie and it's only my probably biased opinion.
It's far right everywhere else, and rightwing in the city. Democrats aren't a left leaning party.
This always gets me. WTF has the Democratic Party been doing this whole time? It seems like they are always caught by surprise that conservatives are doing shitty stuff. Why is their messaging so incredibly shit? Why do they suck so bad at being the opposition?
They don't spend much money or effort on Florida, that's why. Also, Conservatives are actively moving to Florida in droves (largely from California), seeing it as some kind of bastion for their extremism and bigotry. If they spent the time and effort needed to change things in Florida, the rest of the candidates across the nation would suffer.
And as for the national efforts, Dems are still run by the same milquetoast moderates who think their privilege affords them the leeway to simply hope the extremist problem on the Right will just go away, rather than face the fact that it's a cancer that will only grow if left unchecked.
As for messaging, I have no idea why they suck so much at messaging. They should take a hard look in the mirror and hire some new talent.
Vox did a decent video on how the Republicans came to power there in the past decade, since it was traditionally a purple state (50/50 for either party).
The free market will just make living there unaffordable because it cannot be insured anymore.
Without dikes, levees, and a proper system to alleviate water issues, Florida will return to the sea. And Florida man will have to move elsewhere.
Florida about to erase climate change from its laws?
That's fine. Climate change will erase Florida using the laws of nature.
The only good thing that could ever come from climate change is Florida being flooded out of existence.
@GlennicusM @ProdigalFrog Perhaps, but then we'd have a bunch of displaced legislative malefactors infiltrating other state governments
You're right.
We should build a wall.
But that's all right cuz they'll just sell their homes to aquaman.
They really gonna be cryin' once their 'Glade homes sink. Only then will they backpedal.
The literal equivalent of sticking your head in the mud.
I disagree. They will find a way to still be right while blaming the problem on others. Alternatively it’ll be like giant forests. Cut one down and that open space seems perfectly fine to the children who never saw the forest that used to be there.