A.i. garbage.
Unfortunately, I believe you're right, and I'd get a similiar reaction from my own mother :(
The type of person who would be interested in this video likely already agrees, as we both do, and the ones who need to see it and see its urgency the most will be bored to tears with it, or as you say, just shrug and do nothing. I'm not sure if there is a way around that, short of somehow incorporating this message into the story of a popular game or movie, but even then I'm not sure if there would be a lasting effect.
A very difficult problem to solve.
Glad you enjoyed it! ^^
I've tried it a number of times, but never could stick with it due to how buggy it was, though the last time I tried it was about 3 or 4 years ago, so it might be in a better state today.
As someone who uses it; it really is an exceptional video editor, and IMHO is worth the hassle (which is much less of a hassle now due to DavinciBox, which the video author sadly was not aware of).
Even under the law, there are exceptions, but I'm not sure the concept of ignorance of the law is a good metric to apply to ignorant people.
I think my viewpoint mostly stems from the idea of people largely being a product of their environment, and to what degree the average person can truly override that.
Who I am, how I percieve reality, my ability to critically think, the specific knowledge I have, the education I received; all of it was influenced by external factors I had little control over, in other words, luck.
I was born to good parents that loved me and encouraged me, that never imprinted bigoted ideas into me, and gave me the tools and resources I needed to eventually educate myself beyond what they could provide, but importantly, my upbringing fostered the right temperament and curiosity to actually want to become educated.
Were I born to some racists assholes that neglected me, taught me all the wrong values, and killed any intellectual curiosity before it could even begin (and in fact, instill suspicion for those who do have any), and the majority of the community where I lived only reinforced those values... I'm not saying it's impossible to overcome that, many have, but that's playing life on hard mode, and I can't help but feel it's wrong to truly hate those people for being what is essentially unlucky.
I do deeply lament what their ignorance has wrought, and I would encourage anyone to stand up to them regardless of how they came upon those views, but for the ones who were unlucky, I oppose them while feeling sorry for them, instead of using hate to fuel my resistance.
That powerlessness you feel is by design, and every state technically wants you to feel some form of it, with varying intensity. It keeps people from trying to make things better without actually having to put effort in to preventibg them.
But there are things we can do, and we are not powerless. Get involved in your local communities while there is still time to organize: https://infosec.exchange/@tinker/113589807117870451
That's how everything in history has ever changed for the better.
Our only hope is to direct pur collective efforts into building horizontal egalitarian structures in society that can permanently replace our existing institutions.
Getting involved in your local communities is the first step: https://infosec.exchange/@tinker/113589807117870451
Hopefully more workers in other industries and areas that traditionally aren't unionized take the risk to unionize, perhaps with the IWW's help.
You didn't mention guerilla warfare in your other comment, you said the US isn't that much more militarized than anyone else, and that there isn't much disparity between small and large weapons.
Could America sustain a resistance similar to The Troubles? I think so. But any sort of conventional warfare, like along the lines of the Russian or Spanish civil war, is quite unlikely, which is what I thought you were implying.
I mean, thousands of international volunteers traveled to Spain to help during the Spanish Civil war. The same is true for Ukraine and to a lesser extent, Rojava.
In my experience, there is no noticeable dip in performance.