I found that its easier to just show my feed and point out that my, the posters and the commenters instances are different. Kinda hard to explain otherwise.
I think the thing with these hit songs is that they have a part of their lyrics that is very simple that everyone sings along to(even if incorrectly) and general sound of them is also so ordinary and simple that people get used to them fast. If you hear a song thats very different from everything else you ever heard you need time to get used to it but if you hear one of these you can relate it to something you already heard. Thats my two cents i guess.
The thing with not every country agreeing can be solved by cutting the countries economy off of the other countries. For example if all of the eu would do this if you hava an eu company you can just function normally inside the eu but if you youre outside the eu you have to take a lot of steps to start doing business that assure that you dont ransack the eu. Idk if something likenl this works but this is the best i could come up with.
Well i guess im a woman then lol
The second one is from starship troopers. Basically without spoiling a lot they got tricked into going there and got cornered.
Mine didnt even go close to it. The other dog wasnt on a leash properly and it escaped and in a mstter of seconds a nice little walk in the park with my mom turned into me(95kg and work out 5 times a week) trying to get the dog off ours. I was soaked in blood that i didnt even know where it came from because my hands and arms were bleeding but my dog was also bleeding because the fucker broke her thigh bone and ripped a bunch of veins. Which dog did they put down? Of course mine because they said the surgery would be risky so its much better for her to just go. Do think me and my mom have no trauma after that? Also we asked the other woman walking the dog to give her number and she gave us a fake one and we never found her even tho we lived in a small town so we can live the really nice bit of knowledge that that disgrace of an animal is still living in this world and can attack another dog or even person any time because the owner could be distracted.
You know that there are breeds specifically bred to kill? Is that natural? You also know that owning a dog is not natural then and then nobody should own them? Also when it comes to animals in nature youre the one who choses where you live. If you dont like em you can move to a city. Thats why i think its stupid when they kill wild animals in their natural habitat to make places safer. But when a person owns a fucking dog meant to kill thats a tad bit different eouldnt you agree? And i didnt say we should kill them, you should need a permit and proper training to own one of them. Well, good luck to you picking berries and hunting animals with spears because thats what we did half a million years ago(didnt look it up).
Its not like properly having your dog on a leash would prevent it from killing another dog and almost biting my hand off.
Nope its finno-ugric(its the ugric part) which is the same family as estonian, finnish and sami. I think it looks like latin to you for two reasons. One is it has some similar grammar from my understanding with cases and stuf but the more important here is some of the early hungarian written texts were written by scribes from italy who either spoke latin because of religious reasons or just italian generally. For example the sound you here in russian in the name "vladimir" where the d is also present in hungarian but instead of wtiting it in a sane way it is written "gy"(and yes that is one letter). This is because logically it would be "dy" but the italians heard our "gy" as very similar to their "gi" for example. Bit of a mindfuck tbh.
Ahh the wonderful communist who support.... wait those are neo nazis and the others are just capitalists...
Lol that is funny. I guess its laszlo because they also use it in romania and thats where vampires come from? Idk
"Bojler eladó" is hungarian for "water heater for sale". Its kinda a meme to post it anywhere hungary is mentioned. Source: im hungarian
@WARRIORESSentials lol thats how i read it first. Got surprised but the feminism by guys lioe this