L-Theanine and/or ashwaganda may help on the anxiety side of things.
joined 2 years ago
Same.. what’s it called?
Damn, heartbreaking.
Nobody is the Asshole.
Both are right to feel the way they feel, but I think the husbands wishes trump anyone else’s in the end given it’s his life.
I do the same thing - there is a lot of diminishing return, set-to-set for me so it’s the only way that makes sense. I do inverted rows, dead hangs and arm circles to warm them up.
Fascinating, I’ve never heard of this group.
Since Apple Music / Spotify I don’t find it necessary. Far more likely to pirate TV / movies because they’re spread out across so many different services and require so many different subscriptions.
Both the ashwaganda and l theanine can be purchased at any vitamin store or online.