MP3's licenses and patents have expired.
Makita blade, so Japanese steel folded over a thousand times. Edit: never mind, it says Made in China.
Why introduce more dependencies when it's unnecessary?
You don't respond to trolls. This is one of the earliest rules of the internet.
Doesn't the cable itself get hot too?
They aren't just a black box, tinkering with them actually has negative consequences. On Android getting root access results in Safetynet attestation failing and on iOS you can't even get root at all unless you are happy to run some bins from questionable sources. Things are very different for youths. As someone else stated to tinker in the way you mentioned means getting an Arduino or some kind of tinker-friendly SBC.
Ah, a low radar signature house.
Hey have you tried using Vim? I like it better than Emacs
So 50 Gbps? Weird units.
Yup, I didn't get it because there simply wasn't enough seasonal content, loot boxes, battle passes, and FOMO elements. Better luck next time EA!
I much prefer Microsoft to Google.