
joined 7 months ago
[–] tux0r@feddit.org 1 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

Bloß weil die DKP diesmal nicht antritt.

[–] tux0r@feddit.org 8 points 7 hours ago

Ich geh' seit Jahren nur mit Würfel in die Kabine.


Kurze Erklärung der kommenden Hochrechnungen.

[–] tux0r@feddit.org 8 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

Das hab ich auch gemacht, aber da kannte ich den Artikel noch nicht.

[–] tux0r@feddit.org -3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Ja und weiter? 🤷‍♂️

[–] tux0r@feddit.org 6 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Alte Käsehand? Hä?

[–] tux0r@feddit.org 10 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Well, it is correct that there are infinite numbers after "9".

[–] tux0r@feddit.org 1 points 1 week ago

Immerhin ausgeglichen zwischen turbokapitalistisch und links dann.

[–] tux0r@feddit.org 1 points 1 week ago

Wäre zumindest gerecht

[–] tux0r@feddit.org 6 points 1 week ago

Also immerhin fair ausgeglichen zwischen rechten Turbokapitalisten und der Linken.

[–] tux0r@feddit.org 3 points 1 week ago

Bin mir nicht sicher ob im Fediverse nicht mehr MLPD- als CDU-Wähler sind.

Und auch bei Piraten... die Tierschutzpartei kommt auf > 2 Prozent, die Piraten auf < 1.

[–] tux0r@feddit.org 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)
[–] tux0r@feddit.org 2 points 1 week ago

Anyway, thank you for creating a debloated tool.

That's what I was aiming at. I hope I succeeded.

Don't worry - users are good enough for me. Not everyone needs to be a contributor. ;-)


I kept my promise and wrote something in Lisp.

FWIW: Not counting third-party libraries, READMEs and build-related stuff:

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
LISP                            12            205            330           1028
HTML                            16             69              6            698
CSS                              1             19             11             92
TOTAL                           29            293            347           1818

This has a few rough edges yet, for which I’m sorry. I’m proud enough to release it though. Please don’t consider this to be “finished software” yet. :-)

Die Restauration (maschinist.blog)

Ich finde die Entwicklung nicht gut, aber dieser Blogger hätte 2-3 Ideen, wie man sie aufhält.

Oder man macht halt weiter so.

ich👈iel (feddit.org)

Als Ergänzung zu meinem vorherigen Maimai vielleicht noch eine Erklärung dazu, was mich am Parlamentarismus eigentlich stört.

Wo bleibt eigentlich die Revolution?


For a reason not worth mentioning here, I would like to write a somewhat more complex awk script in which I would have to explain in detail what I am doing. (If only so that I'll still know next week.) There doesn't seem to be a way to wrap a list of conditions in GNU awk, right?

This is what I tried:

command-that-prints-a-table | awk '
    NR>1 &&                # Skip line 1
    NF>2 &&                # Skip lines with only one column
    substr($1,1,1) != "("  # Skip lines that start with a "("
    { print $1 }

Alas, that does not work - awk skips the conditions entirely and only runs print $1. It seems that escaping the newlines does not work either, which makes sense as the end of the lines are comments.

This would work:

command-that-prints-a-table | awk '
# - Skip line 1
# - Skip lines with only one column
# - Skip lines that start with a "("
    NR>1 && NF>2 && substr($1,1,1) != "("  { print $1 }

But - my original code has a few more conditions - it is rather annoying to read and maintain. Is there an elegant way to fix this?

ich🍊🐵iel (feddit.org)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by tux0r@feddit.org to c/ich_iel@feddit.org

(Bild: KI. Witz: ich.)

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