
joined 7 months ago

Is there an easy and free way for me to host a website specifically for displaying college notes? Some of my peers have created a repository of notes and content and stored them in a shareable Google Drive folder. I, however, wish to share my notes in a format more practical than just a cloud storage directory, similar to those of code library documentation sites.

My requirements are as follows.

  1. I want the website to allow categorization of notes into courses and units or deeper if necessary.
  2. The notes should support file formats like PDF, images, markdown, HTML or a combination of any of them.
  3. I should be able to add and edit the notes from any device at any time.

Is there any pre-made software for this purpose or do I have to create a website and a workflow myself? I am fine with either of them as long as the above requirements are met in a convenient manner.


I have a Linux (Mint) laptop and a non-rooted Android (13) phone which I take to college, and also have a personal and a college Google account, both of which are essential. The emails of both the accounts are nearly identical, only differing by their domain name, and I am afraid I may mistake one for another and end up storing data in or using the incorrect account for a task. What measures can I take to keep both accounts isolated and ensure I am aware of which account I am currently using without resorting to purchasing separate devices for each account or rooting my devices?

Do note that this post only addresses the issue of keeping separation between the two accounts, and not directly the issue of invasion of privacy of use of these Google services, which is why I didn't ask this question in c/privacy.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Should've told me sooner, else I wouldn't have spent so much time working on a rant to your original comment

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

I tried to install pgadmin4 in Mint 22 and I must say I wasn't fascinated spending hours intensively rummaging through forums and websites trying to understand what went wrong with simple installation instructions and going through the process of finding alternatives to outdated commands and manually signing packages and whatnot for something that would've taken a few mouse clicks to do on Windows.

I am already busy with other things going on in my life and I simply don't have the time to fiddle around with config files and learning to fix my OS problems with commands and terminal. I just want an OS that does what it is told to do.

I still second the rest of the points mentioned in your comment, but I still feel like this isn't enough to convince me to completely hop into the Linux bandwagon as long as these types of third-party apps problems like unavailability, installation and lack of parity and features for official apps or alternatives persist in my workflow.


After listening to this comment in my earlier post, I finally installed Linux in my new machine. I have almost set up everything for my use case save for support for playing Minecraft.

While many Linux switchers are keen to having maximum support and optimization for games, I don't look forward to the same. I plan to having Minecraft as my one and only game in this machine and want to have as minimal dependencies set up for playing it as possible.

I intend to use the fabric version of MC with mod support on my machine with Iris Xe GPU. I am also comfortable with using a different launcher aside from the default one if it is safe and better to do so.

Could someone give me guidance on how I go around installing Minecraft according to my needs?

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Please see edit


I have a budget of around $750 and I expect to be able to code in it. I honestly have not much idea what the ideal requirement of a laptop for a college student should be, which is why I am asking here to get an estimate of the specs I should be considering while choosing one. I would advice against naming any specific laptop as I have no guarantee of its availability in my region.

Edit: Seeing some of the comments, I have decided to add some context and additional constraints:

  • Fit for Computer Science: I wish for the laptop to handle all the tasks expected from the course with reasonable efficiency first and foremost. Gaming support (at least Minecraft) may be desirable but completely optional.
  • Windows only: I am completely inexperienced with Linux and college life, and I want to prioritize my studies over setting up and learning a completely new OS until I am sure I can find enough time to consider switching, so for the time being I am going with Windows. Moreover, the cheapest models among the Macbooks available here cost way above my budget and aren't feasible either.
  • Newly purchasable models only: My college is offering a grant for newly bought laptops and it is in my best interest to avail the offer to get the most capable model possible, so I will not be purchasing any used laptop.
  • Price matching allotted budget: For the same reason above, I will not be deviating from my budget by more than $100 from either side.

I understand that these constraints narrow down my options by a large margin. If no one can offer something that fulfills the above criteria, that's OK. I will ask someone else or simply buy one by my own intuition. I will only request you to comment if you actually have a suggestion that respects the above constraints and not just to complain about them.