I 100% agree! A Dread with less hand holding and more exploration? I really hope they go in that direction. Could be GoTY material
I love Fusion. The fact that it's more linear is probably the reason I played it again and again, it relaxed me
You're welcome!
Technically BoTW was released on the Wii U
Man that film sucked
Sounds super fun!
For example I would love a Dachora and Etecoons metroidvania. The main mechanic would be the collaboration between the different animals: you could instantly switch between them in order to solve puzzle and find secrets.
The focus would be exploration with little to no combat and the mood would be a lot lighter that the usual metroid, maybe even cute Nintendo style. A big inspiration for atmosphere and setting could be Yoku's island express.
Lastly it could fill the gaps in the story, like how they got to the BSL station after Zebes or where they went after the events of Fusion.
I know this is the most impossible thing ever, but man, how fun it would be.
I actually discovered the franchise pretty recently, in 2021. It was around the time I got myself a switch, which was the first Nintendo console I played since the Gameboy color. I didn't know almost anything about Metroid and Nintendo games in general (except of course Pokémon).
One day when I was back at my parents' house for the weekend I found my brother's 3DS and took it with me. I started playing and browsing through the games he had installed and, I don't know why, Metroid Fusion caught my attention. For me it was just a random game I thought I could try, but I was instantly mesmerized by it. I started looking up all the other games and then I played Super Metroid on NSO. I was in awe, that game was absolutely incredible and aged impeccably. Truly one of the best games ever designed.
When I was in full force with my Metroid hype, I watched my first ever Nintendo Direct and.... Yes, it was the one where Dread was announced. It felt magical to me, my head exploded. In the months leading up to Dread I played all the other games in the franchise, mostly on the 3DS after I hacked it (actually the need to play Zero Mission was the main reason I decided to hack it). I was constantly on r/metroid and read up every Dread report. When it finally came out I wasn't disappointed.
Let's leave it at that right now, I feel like I'm gonna write a whole book otherwise lol.
Thanks for the post! Let's try to make this space something special!
2D gang
Hopefully we'll get both, eventually
Hey! Thank you for sharing this! Welcome to the community!