Hello. Metroid Fusion was also my first Metroid game, which I played through Retro Arch. I'm in the process of playing through the rest of the series starting with zero mission, and then playing AM2R next. Have you played them all?
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Fusion was also my first, but I played it on the GBA. I still have my original cart for it and will sometimes play it on a modded GBA. Although having it on my hacked 3DS is also convenient too.
As for Zero Mission and AM2R, both are fun. Zero Mission is a bit hand holdy for the first playthrough, but if you explore a bit or look up guides you can ignore the waypoints and sequence break the game. AM2R is fairly linear because of the nature of Metroid 2, but that doesn't detract from it being one of my favorite Metroid experiences.
The only ones I didn't play are Other M and Federation Force. Also I didn't finish Prime Hunters, playing it on the 3DS was too clunky. Fusion remains one of my all time favourites: I discovered it by chance looking through my brother's 3DS, it was one of the game he had for free through the Ambassador Programme, and I didn't know the Metroid franchise at all. Needless to say I fell in love lol
Hi! Thanks for setting this up :)
Does everyone agree that the wave beam is the best weapon in Metroid?
As a weapon that inflicts damage, maybe. Otherwise I love the grapple beam in Dread and the Spider Boost in Samus Returns.
Long time Metroid fan since Super Metroid for SNES. Thank for starting a community here on lemmy.
You're welcome!
Man fusion must have been such an interesting one to start with! There's so much more narrative stuff happening in that one than most of the series. I started with with Prime 2 way back in the day. Had no idea what I was getting into, I just wanted it because my friend had it and we played the multiplayer a lot. The single player scared the bajeebes out of me, but I pushed through cuz I wanted to relate to him. Turns out, he never even played the campaign because he was also terrified lol. But hey, now it's my favorite game series so I'm glad for it.
Hey! Thank you for sharing this! Welcome to the community!