You can go look it up if you want it was like I don't know 8 months ago. Literally all it was. That's why it's stuck in my craw. Didn't give two shits about the community, I wasn't a member of it. Just so weird that that Jeff guy banned me for criticizing the New York Post.
I mean let's not pretend that there aren't a lot of psychotic mods on world. It's gets pretty bad. Hell I got banned from a community for criticizing a New York Post article once. Which I mean shit, how do you not?
I mean I don't think that's a plot hole at all actually. That's just like how the world works. People change schools. There's tons of people I knew in one school and then when I moved to another I lost contact with completely. That's how life works.
As for the dursley's keeping their mouth shut, there were you know threats involved. At multiple times they're threatened by a giant who mutilated their child at one point. Plus there's the whole institutional Threat Level involving being able to make you forget who you are. Also pretty sure Harry does snap a couple times.
No one would ever be allowed to speak in the Polish Parliament
Well when the American economy collapses very soon and triggers a worldwide recession you'll probably feel it then
I'm not sure I know anyone in real life
Actually an improvement
I mean you assume it's being sent to Musk. We don't actually know. It's not a secured government email. Who fucking knows where it's going or who's seeing it.
Are they not pretty used to it by now?
All right I'll bite, why is that a red flag? This is Lemmy. Not so big that you don't end up in communities you're not a part of all the time. Hell I'm not a part of this community.