It's not like Musk was elected.
Some people would call that "functionality".
They'd probably just dome him immediately if that happened anyway. The cuffs are just for show.
Yeah it's handy. Also I didn't think to mention it I initially but I also bought a macropad that I'm intending to use along with my drawing tablet (keyboard sits on the keyboard tray and I'm left handed so it's awkward). The macropad mostly does what I want but I don't know enough python to make it behave exactly how I want it to.
I have macros to swap my audio devices. Other than that there's some stuff for specific games but I haven't come up with much that are necessary.
Never dealt with any business type person who did anything "with a fine tooth comb". It's always "just tear it out and replace it with my thing, it'll be fine". It's never fine but they're so far above the mess that it doesn't affect them so who gives a shit.
I don't have a safety net and I'm employed well above where my qualifications on paper would get me hired in a new position so if I lose this job I'll most likely be set back by years. Sorry but I'm not joining a strike. Good luck to anyone who does but I will almost certainly be fucked if I do. I'd contribute in other ways if there are any suggestions.
Why does he even have a say in whatever congestion pricing is for a specific city?
Imagine being so shitty that someone won't even put up with you for your billions of dollars.
If I ever find something that pays enough to do what I want and offers a nice work life balance my ladder climbing will stop there. I have no career goals beyond that. I want to pursue my personal interests and help others learn. That's it. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to monetize my personal interests in a way that won't make me hate my life.
People kept finding exploits to fuck the economy so they kept turning off trading which made it difficult to progress. I think my issue was lack of storage and you needed money to get more if I remember right. I got bogged down with inventory management and never touched it again.
Never used Sublime Text but just from the screenshots on their site looks like the only real difference is the menu bars? Do you have to reference the documentation to look up keyboard shortcuts on all the stuff you don't do often?