Pretty sure Apple has a few lawyers
Apple should have just shut down all services to the country and let the constituents sort it out. Australia tried a similar thing with Facebook with the Government trying to strong arm them into media deals.. Facebook just chopped off all Australian media and it got rolled back shortly after. Not siding with anyone in the Facebook one as it was a pretty grubby situation all round, but I think Apple has the edge
In Australia, wheeling out the ‘high speed rail’ proposal means there is an election coming up..
I don’t think the last Mission Impossible movie even made its money back.. maybe they should stop humping the AI bandwagon.
Imagine a successful company like Google that just covered costs rather than looking under every rock for profits
it is always about the grift
The pessimist in me feels Microsoft need people to buy the new devices with the shiny new co-pilot button more than ever.. gotta recoup the hundreds of billions sunk into OpenAI
lol.. universally voted worst president in history who spent most of his time on the golf course and looking after himself.. ‘better vote him back in’
I wonder if I get one for my front verandah, the postie will actually deliver the parcel instead of pretending to, and then taking it to the PO
There was a similar story in an Australian newspaper yesterday how within a decade 1 in 10 houses won’t be insurance due to flood/fire risk. End of the day, the insurance industry will just evolve and add more restrictions.. I can’t see them just going ‘oh well, no-one left to insure, our job is done here’
I never had any luck with zigbee USB dongles. All my devices would just continually fall over and it was a massive pain getting them back talking. Someone ended up recommending me the Zigstar UZG-1 which is a network Poe device, and I have never had a problem since. It has been up and problem free now for about half a year.
As it isn’t plugged into your device, you should also eliminate the issue trying to get it to work in docker