Nope, you got banned for being a terrible troll, another in a long line of band and comment removals.
Nope, you got banned for being a terrible troll, another in a long line of band and comment removals.
That makes sense then!
Nope, Lebanese doctor who the IDF would raid in the middle of the night, tell him he would be shot if he resisted, hauled him off to treat some random prisoner, then dumped him at the side of the road when they had no more use for him. Happened ALL the time.
This wasn't during the current illegal occupation of Lebanaon, or even the one before that, it was the one before that.
Front line tech during the Y2K crisis. I had 60 software updates to manage across 600 car dealerships from Texas to Guam.
The real trick was convincing everyone to do it early because the '00 model year cars were coming out in '98 and '99 and could have broken a lot of things.
"Y2K? That's months from now!"
"When do you get your '00 cars?"
"Next week."
"Do you want to be able to sell them?"
"!!" (Metal Gear Solid noise)
There is some really, really cool non-English music out there.
Jaan Pehchan Ho - I imagine this is what it was like for non-English speakers discovering Elvis for the first time.
Prisencolinensinainciusol - Artist wanted to make a song that sounds like English to people who don't speak English. It doesn't make sense in any language but still sounds amazing.
Ievan Polkka - Finnish song from 1928. Used in the gag site "leekspin".
The lyrics are unintentionally hilarious.
Again, there's no evidence from the article that the disabled people in question voted in ANY WAY, much less that they voted for Trump.
That's why your assumption they did is disingenuous.
If the article were about disabled Trump voters, then you'd have a point. It's not.
Assuming disabled people must have voted for Trump and therefore get what they deserve is disingenuous.
Worst case scenario, they're unable to meet the physical restrictions of voting imposed in red states and didn't vote. That still doesn't mean they deserve it.
Can eScooters not be insured? That would eliminate the problem right there, can't get tapped for driving without insurance if you have insurance...
Makes me wonder about bicycles though...
I'd like to think, if it were all just a simulation, whoever running it would be better at it. :)
Definitely. Post Y2K most of the problems were fixed, except one state started issuing titles for "Horseless Carriages" because that's how they classified vintage vehicles.