Crank it
If it looks like a nazi, walks like a nazi quacks like a nazi and has a swastika flag, its a nazi
I only got shadow-banned for my anti-nazi content, but one of my posts was removed by reddit themselves
I hope to think No Man's Sky falls into the non-abused devc category
Nothing a good rewatch can't fix
Use a WM, now you'll only have yourself to blame. But GNOME should work well
Thatms why I always say that i'm intolerrant towards intolerrant people
I thought burger king staying was the punishment
Switched from Arch to Endevour cuz the icon was prettier
Skill issue (I use arch btw), all jokes aside maybe try distrobox it should work perfectly
For terraria tmodloader works no issue, I think forge has a native client for WoW, and Minecraft is linux native anyway EDIT: I only ever modded terraria and minecraft so idk about any more
Obsidian could work, its a markdown editor but I doesn't have any handwriting or drawing support, also its sync feature costs money but you can use nextcloud or github to sync your stuff anyway. An opensource alternative would be logseq but I prefer Obsidian