Not everyone lives in cities in the US
But 80% do, so what's your excuse for refusing to solve the problem for the vast majority? The "and even then they are really spread out" is not it, BTW.
I think the guy above you was just talking about regular driving on the freeway, not overlanding in a 4x4.
I've got a cargo e-bike that could handle a 50-mile round trip with a baritone sax just fine.
We cannot wait to stop the traitors.
No, it didn't. This whole thing came out of Trump randomly deciding to punish Canada with huge tariffs for no apparent reason* and he made the insinuations against Canada's sovereignty in furtherance of that.
(* actually, to manufacture casus belli)
well, I guess maybe apolitical brainwashed normies aren’t aware.
A.K.A. the majority of people.
Haha corn subsidies go brrrrrrrr
We'll never be able to fully eliminate entitlement and roadrage
Sure we can, at least in cities. There's no entitled driver road rage if nobody's driving.
precision comes at a cost
That cost could be needing to use precision robot arms instead of humans, needing to pay higher salaries to find really skilled and diligent humans, or as you suggested, slowing down the assembly line so the workers have time to be more careful.
I used to think "being a millionaire" but that won't even get me a decent house anymore let alone leave me set for life...
All the more reason you (and everybody else) should definitely be setting it as a goal and accomplishing it: you'll be screwed if you don't.
I just love how these threads always lead to anti-bike reactionaries coming up with increasingly contrived hypothetical situations to "justify" continuing to cling to their cars like a security blanket.
And then have the audacity to accuse the other side of "prejudice" and lack of "critical thinking skills."
You have to keep in mind that only a tiny minority of Americans live in tiny and isolated towns at all, and pretending the solution for the vast majority of people doesn't work by pointing to those outliers is bad-faith idiotic bullshit.