Assassin Gloomstalker dual wielding hand crossbows, and taking a swig of Elixir of Bloodlust. That's 8 attacks on turn 1, assuming he's initiating combat from stealth and killing an enemy.
BDS, my friend.
Make sure to bring face/eye protection. Both piggies and anti-protestors have been out and about hitting people with pepper spray.
It's so bubbly, and cloying, and... happy.
Exactly! Which is why I like LD, but not PIC S3.
Oh I in no way meant it as an insult. I love that about LD. I did not love that about PIC.
To be fair, I haven't watched the latest season of LD, but up to that point, it really was "get this reference? See? Giant Spock's skeleton! Remember this energy being that escaped the Enterprise-D?" However, I went into LD knowing that that was what I was going to be getting, and while I won't say it's my favorite nu-Trek series, I do really enjoy it.
Season 3 is literally just fan service. They reused the V'Ger sound/theme for the enemy. They brought back a character from another show in the franchise. They brought back a character who appeared in two whole episodes of TNG. Large parts of the sound design were lifted from the TNG-era series. Seriously, almost as much fan service as Lower Decks.
Bard level 6. More proof that bards are superior! lol
I mean, there's a "concentration" tag on the spell, and the character's picture in the turn display has an icon added when concentrating.
What is this, 2010? I very vividly remember this feature on my Nexus One.