Pewdiepie apparently confirms that it is, atleast according to his latest video and his comment in the comment section.
I use ungoogled chromium, but only for sites that absolutelly don'y wanna work on firefox.
Thank you for your input, I will nost likelly go with a 4060 ti 16gb because I can get it for around 500-600 euro in local shops, while the 4070 super is around 750 euro ( the 7800x3d I can find about 480-490 euro)
Also a good pair with a 4070 super?
I'm talking about croatia my friend.
My country doesn't have protest problen. Mostly because it's all mostly old people that live here and just don't care anymore about anything.
Edit: lol
Quite literally not where I live. None of the carries here offer esim's.
Yes, agree that they are situational. In case if my laptop I'm unervolting mycou because if I won't it will just crash when used at max speed.
Edit: in case of my brother pc, the temps were just horenderous for the perforformance he was getting. Plus the fans were barelly on even at 85C. Undervolting and making the fan curve more agresive allowed him the get much better temps at same fan speed, and lets him play some games he wasn't able to before cause of themps. And the fans even at 100% are quieter than my laptops at 50% so he doesn't mind them at all.
I followed a random guide I found on the internet for amd.
In amd case you can do it from their driver by going to performance tab and choosing tuning.
There you will find gpu setting, set them to manual and from there you can start changing fan speed and voltage. Voltage you change by 50mv first time and if stable by 25. When you come to a point where your game/program crashes you use the value from before that didn't crash the game and that's it.
As for nvidia I don't know because I don't own one and don't have the money to own one ( they are 1k euro on average here for 4070 and 2.5k for 4090 on average ) only thing I know is that you will need msi afterburner.
I have a 10 min drive to my closest store. But it's on countryside road with no sidewalk, and deer/wild boars and even bears can be seen there.
So yes, I will be driving my car.
Try crowdsec.
You can set it up with list's that are updated frequetly and have it look at caddy proxy logs and then it can easilly block ai/bot like traffic.
I have it blocking over 100k ip's at this moment.