I know bizarrebub, I have to agree with the recommendation, though some of the clips (especially when they involve little kids) can be real stinkers. Will check out chilling scares! Thanks!
Let me lead with this: I'm taking recommendations for spooky channels.
Okay, first of all, how the fuck has nobody mentioned Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't? [https://youtube.com/@crimepaysbutbotanydoesnt](Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't)
You get to hear the angriest man alive nerd out about plants.
Someone else mentioned Tasting History with Max Miller and I must second that recommendation, it's a really good channel if you appreciate Cooking, History, and especially both.
For spooky stuff, I recommend Midnight Broadcast. They basically take 4chan/reddit creepypasta threads, clean it up a bit for the YouTube algo, feed it to an AI reader, and publish them as 20-30 minute videos. There's also a now dead channel called "Chass" that did the same thing, mixed in a bit of its own lore, and also did a couple of specials like the Epic of MonkeyHumper (11/10 story, possibly the best creepypasta ever published, cannot recommend enough). Though, Chass kept a bit more of the raw 4chan elements than MB does, so be ye warned.
Overanalyzing Avatar does that good 20-min long videos where he just really goes maximum nerd on Avatar The Last Airbender and Korra. It's passionate, funny, and interesting, and if you even kind of like the cartoons, I highly recommend giving him a try.
I'll add some more if I think of them
I'd be glad to! Let's both work towards it!
That... Is a really good idea! I'm going to put that in my pipe and smoke it
"God damnit don't take your mask off while the proles are watching us, you're going to ruin the surprise!" - French Lizard Person
I mean, I'm American and if I had to pick one, we're definitely that latter. It's just that I grew up here, so it's more readily apparent to me that the conservatives who screamed about muh guns muh constitution were always operating in bad faith. Kinda like how the conservatives you guys are about to elect are operating in bad faith when they talk about how very worried they are about immigration.
It's fundamentally understood that the republic is dead, and neither peaceful protest nor normal legislative or judicial processes will work on the Trump administration. It doesn't help that pushing the opposition party to do anything has led them to bitch and whinge about how they're being bullied by their constituents. All that's left to us now is submission, balkanization, and/or violence. Most people are still trying to get a read of the room and aren't ready to throw down their lives yet. For my part, I'm supporting a California Secession initiative.
Sure, leopards eating faces and all that, only these people lack that kind of self awareness. As the leopard is eating their face, they're sitting there telling themselves that this is simply an honest mistake by an administration that's trying to do the right thing and would never hurt them on purpose.
Get ready to ride in the bicycle gutter and get yelled at by drivers for, like, existing.
There is, which is why the bungalow owners bitch endlessly about the skyscrapers ruining the view [of the 12 lane interstate]
Who know what form it would ultimately take? I've seen proposals of forming a pacific coast nation, and that seems pretty cool. We'd definitely have trading partners. We'd need to be on good terms with our neighbors, since we share a lot of water with them.
Does anyone else see a limp dicknballs as the logo on the pill?