Vietnamese here! It's expected for factory workers to OT a lot (12 hours a day / 6 days a week are normal occurrence, sometimes even full week). They are either forced by the companies/management or choose to OT themselves to make ends meet. I'm in a little bit better position myself but still very close to the people to see them struggling, especially minorities. It's definitely better than before but far from where it should be. I bet it's still better than life in shitholes like murica tho.
Modern Vietnamese music sucks actually (I'm Vietnamese)
Cmon it's not that bad, you could find many dope songs if you dig deep enough. There are also many different flavors of dubstep so I would argue that it's a genre for everyone and anyone.
You have found one right here! Although I listen to every kind of dubstep from the old school 140 to heavy tearout.
Damn. Where are you living currently? How is it going over there?
Despite being a Vietnamese living in Vietnam, I've never met anyone that consider themself a communist IRL. People my age think money is everything. No one's even bothered to educate themself ideologically. Older people are always skeptical of the government after being traumatized by poverty and war, combined with western propaganda.
The game shows are dumb, all of them.
Definitely not in school. You only learn ML in public universities, and even then it's no way in-depth enough.
I don't know for real but I think maybe most of party members are in the northern part. The south used to be heavily colonized by the west before it got liberated by northern folks. The situation here might be similar to Shanghai in China.
I'm a southern Vietnamese. I genuinely support the Communist Party and the government. But I have to say, they just let liberalism and western propaganda run rampant over here. People getting more and more liberal, most don't even know what communism even is, they think it's something taboo. As an average person, I barely see any effort to educate and inform the mass. That's my one strong criticism for the government.
High Contrast - Music Is Everything (Pola & Bryson Remix) [Drum & Bass]
I mean.... Abortion is always an option.