Brits say it very slightly better than americans. (source: am from spain)
that would suggest the rich people are feeling terrorised rn
silver linings i guess
well i hope the jury have been fucked over by health insurance
oh yeah u make some excellent points there. especially over his politics. i think i agree. it would obviouly be pretty awful if a member some small communist or anarchist group did it, the repression would be terrible. it being this guy is perhaps a good thing. but maybe also in terms of drawing some of the right towards the left. because like reactionaries are often kinda close (in a fucked up way) to identifying the the problems,but their analysis is bad and leads them towards reactionary solutions. and this tendency is massively abused by the right wing "thought leaders" who just lie to them constantly. when i've managed to talk to people with reactionary politics and managed to remove some of their brainworms, it's because i manage to find common ground with them in some small way and build on it, go through the process of correcting their analysis and offering real solutions rather than lies. they feel unjustly wronged, and they have been. just not by the people they are told are responsible.
like this local farmer guy i know. he was never a full on reactionary, and tbh he's actually such a lovely guy. but he was falling into a lot of conspiracy theories, and into the trap of thinking that because the "left" is in power here, and they've basically abandoned rural areas like this, that leftwing politics can't help us. but you know, we agree that the government has failed us and that all politicians are evil. we agree that climate change is coming for us. that's something to build off, and we did. and i haven't heard any weird reactionary takes from him in aaaages.
despite some of the libs being all moralistic about it, it's also delightful to see that many of them, people from all sides tbh, are just celebrating what happened. it creates an opening for the left to step up in an outreach sense.
but yes he should never been caught. and tbh i am not convinced they're not just framing this guy. but something like this has to be planned meticulously, and if they do it right they won't be caught. which is kinda why i'm so suspicious of luigi getting caught. he left no useful evidence basically, seemed to have planned everything pretty well. and then just goes into a macdonalds and gets caught. if there are any similar lone actions inspired by this one i hope that they are never caught or known. and yes the left must organise, both in trying to make use of the ideological opening this creates, and in terms of direct action. not necessarily murdering people, but using a diversity of tactics. perhaps including propaganda of the deed, since the public reaction to this seems to have been so positive. but whatever the case,
don't. get. caught.
my next tattoo, i have been planning for a while but some recent events have put it on my mind a lot, is "kill your heroes", something i very much live by.
the event should have nothing to do with the shooter. the left just needs to fucking step up because we need to take action. effective action. the right effectively holding a monopoly on political violence is not a good thing like the libs act like it is. people who act like 'we' have to maintain the 'moral highground' on not using violence when our enemies do, is actively disgusting to me. its just dying the martyr because they lack the conviction to do anything.
even before this guy got caught tho i never thought he should be made into a hero. we should have no heroes. even if this guy had been a leftist, he could have been an example to others sure, but making him into a hero makes everyone else passive victims waiting to be saved.
US gun crime finally gets it right
this is also the only redeeming feature of terf island, it has an unlimited quantity of extremely rude place names.
but then again, there is a place in spain that basically translates as "the fuck", as in the act of fucking
i cry for you luckily i was a child most of the time i was using windows, specially cuz my school did all its IT classes on ubuntu, so i didn't have to suffer much of the windows bs
honestly i haven't used windows in over a decade. i wouldn't know. but people tend to be weirded out by having to do the terminal stuff but partner is vibing with it
oh yeah absolutely. but it's still a bit of a culture shock, and u can't really avoid terminal etc
i am up for it and i know that it's likely to come when people switch. and i warn them as well. but particularly if it's someone remote, i find it hard to help and they don't always give me enough infos to help tho partner is not remote but it's like i say "give me laptop" and they ask me to tell them how instead. they're learning so fast and being really proactive with learning terminal and finding commands online etc i'm just proud of them
Getting out of bed occasionally.