What's the signal path?
I meant it tongue-in-cheek in terms of accountable paperwork. Like when Trump kept saying the USA had such high COVID rates because we were testing so much.
😅 need enough side clearance to not worry about hitting the neighbor's knobs!
Well there would certainly be fewer crimes being investigated.
Someone's looking to become Detective Mike.
I saw your post about doing a video series on loops.video for building a kit pedal, did you ever post the series?
The Qtron is the newest addition. I need to shuffle power connections to get the Carcosa back. The expression pedal is currently on the Pitch Fork, but I want to try it on the tremolo for a bit too. The EQ is mostly for switching between single coil and humbuckers.
He just says TARDIS! and vwoorps on out.
He didn’t getter trapped or tricked. He knows what he is doing
It seems you're dispelling some notion ... 🤔 What does Secretary Rubio think about it?
There are a few copies of a few articles at archive.is