Got a new coat hanger, the old one had ripped out the wall, repaired the wall and sanded it. Hung up the new one with the correct hardware. Removed everything out of our "playroom", repainted and built out some shelving. Turning the playroom into my new home office. Hopefully finish the move in this coming weekend.
I seemed to notice it after a recent update. Seems that scrolling back up and down reblurs.
Remember you will die. Not as a fear but simply as a reminder.
I'm playing it and so far it's polished. I haven't made it to the first end area but Supergiant has already said that things and story can change throughout the EA. This is very similar to Hades 1 and I feel they are simply refining their EA approach. This seems to be a great way to engage with their customers and let the customers drive the final results.
100% it a month or so back. Great game, good short story, approachable for someone who doesn't have much time to play. Love all the flavor text of the different catches. The music is so soothing.
I feel this, I have a Steam Deck that allows me 30 minutes to an hour of play at a time with the ability to pause and resume games when other responsibilities come up. This allows me the separate space but I can always plug it back in to the TV and play with my children. Of course I play mostly single player games these days so it's not a fit for online multiplayer games.
I grew some oyster mushrooms from pre spawned compost. I liked watching them and then harvesting them after about 10 days. They went great with pasta, butter, and garlic
I loved this game. Still looking at the DLC. Control, Dave the Diver, and Heretics Fork are keeping me busy
Got Prometheus and Grafana setup with https on my Talos Linux cluster. Tried to use cert-manager with a DNS01 Challenge with Let's Encrypt but was using a local TLD and found out it won't issue it. So I had to switch to a local issuer. Was using metallb to gain a routable ip, I used the nginx-ingress controller for Prometheus and Grafana. Next time I can tinker I'll place the rest of my services behind it.