Now might be a good time to consider using those guns mentionned in your constitution....
I wanted to be a Kea at first but now I really want to be a Kea.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha This guy just discredit any future movie involving an FBI agent for the next 75 years. We knew america had a under-education problem, but man you guys are something.
Love that song. Welcome to my nightmare is Alice's best album IMO, but BDB is one the best.
Looks a bit like Freetube maybe?
You basically can't study in a College or a University in Canada if you dont have a cell phone or refuse to install Microsoft crap on it. What a stupid world.
Will you need a subscription to turn-off the computer now?
For new comers Linux Mint is a great out-of-the-box experience. You will find tons of info and guide on youtube, but it's pretty much as simple as installing windows now.
I personally like Fedora and Nobara but the latest sometimes break with updates so you need to handle this.
You can try most distros in a virtual machine before installing, to get a general idea of the look and feels.
Will he switch to not being a racist loser too?
“Death to All Jews,” Mr. Kjellberg paid them to hold up the sign.
If rich people can't pay poor people to hold a "death to jews" sign without being label nazi anymore, what can the even do... Maybe he's autistic. What's next, you wont have the right to say the n word live or recommend a nazi channel to your millions of young followers??
The left is ruining everything, we can't even do a roman salute anymore without not facing any fucking consequences.
Well we know you would have let pedo win if you were.
Not necessarily. You have to be under-educated and proud of it.