Still good to keep in mind: not your keys, not your data.
Oh, yes please. Extra points for some corruption sentences or at least publicity.
My first thoughts was also "Don't. Clone tmux instead." But don't use ctrl-b. It's a massively awkward and annoying combo on common keyboards. And don't make it necessary to release ctrl before the second key.
Most sci-fi is. At least if you squint a little.
I'm guessing money.
It generally is a length of time. Your title depends on the years on the job.
He walks among us like anyone else, but when an opportunity comes along, he puts on his robe and wizard hat.
Probably eldritch/cosmic horror or something sci-fi-ish. I kind of view horror as a kind of speculative fiction where most titles are huge disappointments. I still watch a fair bit just hoping that there will be An Idea. Something that will make me re-think my life and haunt me for years like any good book does.
No body horror or crime or anything plain, cheesy, or tropey like zombies or vampires. Or torture porn of any kind.
Trump is owned by Putin. There's no hearing of any sides. Any talk about peace in this context means surrendering to Russia so they can start the next step in ww3.