
joined 4 months ago
[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 0 points 13 hours ago

When we see people suggesting violence, we usually take care of it. But there’s quite a bit of nuance to what constitutes removal and what is just… wishful thinking.

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 4 points 17 hours ago (2 children)

The post on its own was completely fine! Then for some reason you decided to edit it… with a perfectly summarized illustration of the reason for almost every rule 1 violation removal we do on a daily basis here.

I’m absolutely baffled….

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 7 points 18 hours ago

Oh no! Wormtongue isn’t popular amongst those that didn’t vote for him?

Say it ain’t so!

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 7 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Ahh, but you’re forgetting the Rules for Thee clause that protects any and all wealthy, white, corporate gremlins from facing the same or similar consequences that any of the poors might face for the same infraction.

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 9 points 19 hours ago

argued that he was too “woke” and too concerned with diversity in the armed forces.

Soooo… that’s exactly what the world needs:

A military comprised of American klansmen, hell bent on purifying the bloodlines of every country they set a jackbooted foot in.

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 2 points 19 hours ago

All well and good, but he now has the military under his thumb and firmly planted up his ass. There’s no one left that has the authority to tell him he can’t.

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Mr beast is an actual person?

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

And rightfully so. We currently have a dictator that is threatening to absorb them into the collective shithole that America has become…

I cannot blame them one bit and I’m surprised the percentage is that low.

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Haven’t seen a more apt example of a face eaten by a leopard in quite a while. This is about as cut-and-dry as it gets.

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

The facts? They didn’t.

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 16 points 2 days ago

This is an insult to the concept of pets.

[–] WrenFeathers@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

They voted for Trump.


When a mod is removed, it shows the info as “Added Mod” and when a mod is added, it shows as “Removed Mod.”


Some removed comments are not clearing from the reported comment queue. They show as red (removed) from the community, but they are not clearing from the list.

I’ve tried reloading the app, but the removed comment still remains in the queue.


Found this song watching the show Suits. It’s gorgeous!


On IOs, If I were to, for example, remove a comment for “misinformation,” when the word is typed out and autocomplete is used, submitting the action via the remove button doesn’t work. Essentially, pressing it does nothing at all. My theory is that It could have to do with the additional space that autocomplete creates, but even backspacing doesn’t correct the issue.

The only way to resolve this is to start over, and manually type out the entire word or phrase without using autocomplete or autocorrect.

Not a huge issue, but I don’t know if this causes other problems elsewhere.

(Admittedly, I know nothing at all about coding… including if that’s even the correct term for it)


A few Reddit apps did this back in the day and it was very convenient. If there were a link to Reddit posted anywhere, selecting it would open the app instead of the webpage.

(Really hope I’m explaining this correctly. I’m not family with the terminology I’m probably needing here)

Is this going to be a thing, or… could it be a thing?

EDIT: This is for iOS by the way.


That PleasantPolitics bot is obnoxious! Also, there’s a few mods that use mass auto-removal bots when someone so much as posts comments that they don’t like.

It would be nice to be able to filter these out of the modlog feed. (If it’s even possible)


If I go to ban a user, it shows successful in the app, but no mod logs will show the user banned, and they’re able to continue to post- after a ban via Voyager app

I have to go outside of voyager to do any ban moderation. Has this always been a thing?

EDIT: it seems it works fine for permanent bans. But not for temporary bans.

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