Holy Blueanon nonsense, Batman
It's just not competitive with the quality of support on Windows. It's bad enough, comparatively, that if you're a heavy VR user it's worth keeping a Windows install just for that use. There was a long post on /r/linuxgaming a few weeks back rolling up all the issues into one post, I'll try to find it. One of the best comments in the post was by a top-ranked Beatsaber player actually; he said that latency among other things was the reason he has kept dual booting -- only using Windows for VR gaming. I know that I just gave up on playing Elite: Dangerous in VR successfully because I didn't want to fuss with dual booting.
Just social media posting your way to praxis? That’s a hell of a form of “mutual aid.”
The driving force behind Libertarianism is that the state shouldn't be able to tell you not to fuck kids. That's not a popular position, even in Europe.
WINE would like to join the party
You realize that there are differences in the populations working at different times, right? Or are you just happy to be seen being outraged?
Love a protest in the middle of the workday, should be easy for most people to attend, no?
We just reporting on standard motions now?