
joined 2 years ago
[–] Tedesche@lemmy.world 43 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Despite being classified as special government employees, the committee members are unpaid volunteers.

There's no way this can be justified under the name of improving government efficiency. Trump is doing this solely because its a reminder of a national health crisis that he so devastatingly mismanaged.

FAKE NEWS! It was Kung Flu, the Chinese virus!


I fled Reddit due to the authoritarian mod craziness, but Lemmy.world seems infested with too much Communist craziness. I'm leftist, but communism is idiocy. Is there an instance that leans more democratic socialist but refrains from going off the deep end?

[–] Tedesche@lemmy.world 40 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

My face! The leopards! The goggles! They do nothing!

[–] Tedesche@lemmy.world 13 points 3 days ago

Question: am I on the toilet?

[–] Tedesche@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

Deeper Deep State here, guys. Not my fault. Blame the Shallow State.

[–] Tedesche@lemmy.world -2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

All those questions deserve proper investigation. I was not excusing this man from his crimes, merely pointing out his lawyer was claiming he’d had a mental health crisis and that they should be investigated.

And I’m a pretty damn good therapist so I think I’m gonna keep it up. Maybe you should just go fuck yourself?

[–] Tedesche@lemmy.world -1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

No number of innocent people incarcerated on bad evidence is acceptable, much less executed. That’s why I’m saying the standard of evidence would need to be extremely high. Your argument is that there would inevitably be people executed who were innocent, but I don’t believe that needs to be the case. Standards could be such that having the crime on video is required or direct witnessing from multiple unimpeachable sources.

Is the standard of evidence and possibility of false convictions really your main concern here or do you just not think the State should ever execute people on moral grounds? Because I believe I’ve provided an acceptable answer to the former argument; if your issue is actually the latter then I believe we simply have a difference in ethical beliefs.


I’m sure MAGA approves of where its tax dollars are going.


And what is the evidence for it being a Chinese spying platform? Is it owned by a Chinese company? Is there any hard evidence? Why is it so controversial?


Please, tell me again why we need the president to have the power to pardon as a check on our judicial system….


There's a version without the menu tiles too! https://nickbers.artstation.com/projects/xYXQ6Y


I'm a big fan of this guy's work. His previous films include The Witch, The Lighthouse, and The Northman.


If you skip the introduction and don't watch the Q&A afterwards, the presentation is just under an hour. A very good watch, IMO. Interested in what people think.


Hi, all.

As should be news to no one, polarization and animosity between conservatives and liberals is at one of its all-time highs in America right now. There's even talk of a second civil war looming. Obviously, there are strong passions and convictions on both sides, and people on both sides have claimed that the other is a grave threat to the integrity of the nation itself. I'm familiar with the views and concerns of my own side: we view Donald Trump's (and his allies' and supporters') statements and actions as being an attack on the democratic process that defines our nation, and are worried that the strategies and tactics he and they are employing will make future elections farcical, paving the way for an authoritarian state (a dictatorship). I am less familiar with why conservatives feel Democrats and liberals are a threat to the nation and its integrity in similar fashion. My best guess is that conservatives buy Trump's assertions that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, and thus might have similar fears as liberals do, but I also get the sense conservatives have deeper, older concerns than this, and that Trump was/is viewed as a solution to them.

Can you please try to articulate here what those fears are? And, to any liberals reading this, please refrain from answering in conservatives' stead. I'm interested in their opinions, not your opinions of their opinions.


Four Republican backbencher candidates who failed to qualify for the first 2024 GOP presidential debate this week slammed the Republican National Committee over its rules, with multiple contenders calling them “rigged.”


Easily my favorite quote from Mallory Archer.


Curious what conservatives think about this development.

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