joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 6 days ago

Altid rart med lidt aktivitet fra nye brugere. Lidt vildt at der kommer så mange så lige pludselig.

Håber at alle jer nye vil tage del i de mange gode snakke og diskussioner vi har her på feddit. Selv har jeg været enormt glad for at feddit er lidt mere sagligt orienteret og ikke så meget karma farming og opdutliderlighed som man så ofte ser på reddit.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

I agree that it's still littering. It was also more as an "if in worst case it does end up in nature it is at least compostable" kinda thought.

Despite being compostable, it would take years to degrade

What the heck do they think a banana peal is made of?! From my own experience no more than a single year and it is degraded so much it is basically dirt

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Bagte en squashkage i går sammen med kæresten. Blev super lækker.

Fik også spillet lidt mere på min Minecraft world hvor jeg fik bygget mit opbevarings rum fyldt med kister til alle mine items.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Even better of all packing is 100% natural compostable in the first place so of it ever ends op in nature it'll be gone before you even find it.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (6 children)

We need packaging minimisation legislation that requires manufacturers to minimise packaging to an absolute minimum both in terms of sheer volume but also in terms of material complexity meaning no gluing together plastic and paper or fused metal plastic wrapping where it is not needed. And finally minimising the packaging also inadvertently means you cannot make bottles weird shapes to fool you into thinkng the bottle is bigger than it actually is, because that means unnecessary material was wasted

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (8 children)

I've only ever had the opposite issue with the nozzle being too far away from the bed due to the bed leveling using a dirty nozzle because the nozzle "cleaning" rutine uses a way too cold nozzle temperature so the plastic is not soft enough to be pushed away and the filament is not retracted so it also oozes because it has been heated for too long. Imo the printer should purge, then retract then clean and then bed level.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Har tegnet i Freecad her i weekenden og det er virkelig blevet godt. Det er utroligt at det er gratis og efter den seneste update til v1 er der virkelig sket meget for at gøre softwaren bedre. Har tegnet en filament holder til mit 3D printer skab så jeg let og hurtigt kan skifte filament.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Er journalisten idiot eller hvad?

Jeg synes generelt at DR er begyndt at sakke bagud når det kommer til journalistisk kvalitet... Tynde artikler og en ligegyldig sensationsliderlighed.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Efter min mening burde vandet serveres så snart men sætter sig uden at man spørger og uden at koste noget. Det giver efter min mening den bedste oplevelse og giver mig kun lyst til at blive siddende og derefter måske endda bestille nogle lidt bedre (dyrere) drikkevarer da jeg ikke behøver at bekymre mig om at slukke tørsten samtidig med at smage godt. Hvis der er vand på bordet når jeg kommer får jeg mere lyst til at bestille en cocktail i stedet for en øl da en cocktail ellers ikke alene ville slukke min tørst, og at bestille to drinks er generelt for dyrt.

Det gøres især i udlandet, måske fordi det er varmt, men stadigvæk, så er der rart at når man kommer ind sulten og sætter og at man da så i det mindst lige kan få et glas vand mens man bestiller og derefter venter på sin mad. Det er blot en ting mindre at tænke på når man bestiller. Hader følelsen når jeg sidder og bestiller "Åh nej hvad mon nu et simpelt glas vand koster her og er det mon noget af det pis hamrende dyre lorte designervand som ikke en gang smager godt"

Tilføjelse... Der er i øvrigt ALDRIG vand nok. Min kæreste og jeg drikker altid rigtig meget vand sammen med vores mad og når de så på en restaurant kommer med en sølle halvliters flaske som skal deles mellem os begge hvad fanden er meningen det er jo kun nok til en person. Og så skal man sidder og vifter med armene for at få fat på tjenerne igen efter 10 sekunder når man har hældt op og flaskem allerede er tom. Var på en restaurant hvor de bare havde flakser med vand klar i et køleskab som tjeneren bare tog fra så snart der manglede på bordene uden at spørge. Det fungerer super godt. Så fyldte de køleskabet op igen mens der var lidt mindre at lave.

Tilføjelse tilføjelse. Hvorfor forventer restauranterne også altid at man bestiller vin til maden. Jeg kan ikke lide vin og har heller ikke altid lyst til alkohol. Så er det stortset kun sodavand og det er useriøst på en fin restaurant og alt for sødt. Så vil jeg bare gerne nyde maden og drikke vand til eller kom da i det mindste med nogle seriøse alkoholfrie drikkevarer som ikke bare er en carlsberg zero eller hyldeblomst saft.

[–] 42 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

I often watch tutorials on youtube but I skip ahead a few minutes because I'm thinking "I know this already just get to the point" just to spend twice the time on scrubbing back and forth constantly because I don't understand why something has happened that was explained earlier in the tutorial.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Ja måske vi kan lave et smart it system som automatisk kan hjælpe folk med at komme i arbejde ved at sammenligne andre lignende arbejdsløse og så vurdere hvilke ansøgninger du bør søge. Ved hjælp af AI kan systemet så selv finde ud af om og hvor meget du bør få A-kasse ved at sammenligne lønningerne på tværs af landet. Systemet skal selvfølgelig sættes i udbud og udarbejdes til den virksomhed så giver den laveste pris.

[–] 23 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Can we also fix the depression glitch where happiness points aren't collected and your brain energy bar depleats completely with no way of regeneration without hacking the brain with 3rd party tool antidepressants.



I hope these type of requests are allowed here. Otherwise just let me know and I'll remove my post.

I'm soon moving to a new house and it has a little garden area of 5.5 m wide and 4.4m long. And surrounded by a tall hedge (that I don't want to remove)

At the moment, as you can see on the pictures below, it's all tiled. I initially intended to remove about a third of the tiles and make a mos, clover and wild flowers lawn that my cat and dog can use now and then. Then maybe make some tall planteres for wild herbs from stacking the removed bricks up in a square and adding some wood planks.

But now i got the idea of asking you guys if you have any better ideas for how to use this space for a little sanctuary for me and my pets. I'd love to see some inspiration, sketches or ideas from you on how i get more use out of this space. Maybe removing the tiles is not the best idea?

I live in Denmark so the climate is a bit mixed. I'm not a big gardener type of person so something simple that mostly takes care of itself is ideal. Lavenders, sage, oniongrass types of herbs and Viola tricolor and wild flowers for easy and pretty colors.


A few of you asked for how to do it so here's my guide. This method gives me perfect coffee every time, but your milage may vary so don’t be afraid to experiment.

Grind to filter coffe size or maybe a bit finer. Don’t go to espresso level or it’ll just clog the brewer and burn the coffee. It is generally not super sensitive to grind size so don’t worry too much. If in doubt go corser.

Always, always weigh the coffe! I found that they are actually quite sensitive to the amount of coffe you put in. Ever since a started weighing the beans I’ve never had any issues with it. If you cannot get a nice consistent flow through the entire brew and it begins to sputter too early you most likely filled it too much. So rather than fiddle with the grind size, you should instead fill it a little less next time. This is why you must weigh the beans. I use 12-13g for the 2 cup that you see here, and 28-30g for the 6 cup version. If I go outside that range it won’t brew nicely. It’s that sensitive! Grind size does very little to change this

Finally use hot water. This first of speed up the brew but also makes it easier to control the pressure inside. So pour hot/freshly boiled water in, assemble, and put on a low to medium heat with the lid open so you can see when the coffee comes. When the coffee starts to come through turn it down to low low heat to get a nice, slow and consistent flow. For the 2 cup version it’s about 15-30 seconds and for the big 6 cup version i think it’s about 40-90 seconds. I can’t remember exactly so don’t worry too much as long as it’s consistent and nice and slow.

Pour the coffee immediately. Otherwise it’ll slowly burn and turn bitter in the hot brewer. If you want to share the portion stir it a bit first since its much stronger at the bottom.

With this method i always get amazing coffee out of this little machine and i low it so much.

The milk i just heated with the Bialetti electric milk foamer but a little pot and a whisk would do the same. Don't heat the milk too much. It should only be around 65 degrees or something like that or it changes the taste. For UHT treated milk i guess this doesn't matter.

I hope this was helpful. So enjoy your coffee.

Additional debugging steps:

If you use a blade grinder: This is fine, and I’ve used one for years when I was a student and it worked just fine as well. You can grind pretty fine with that for the mokka pot. It's difficult to go too fine, but again, if on doubt go corser. Much more importantly is to avoid clumps. Blade grinders tends to make clumps so try to stir them out a bit with a needle/scewer or a very thin fork.

Clumps causes channeling and easily makes it sputter and all the water goes through too fast since it cannot build the pressure needed to make a consistent flow.

Clogging causes it to go really slow and sputter almost immediately and it seems like not all the water wants to go through. This is because it builds up too much heat and pressure so when the coffee passed through the coffee it's above 100C° so it instantly boils when it reaches the other side and gives a very harsh amd unpleasant taste.

Oh I forgot to add. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CLEAN YOU MOKKA POT WITH SOAP! Don't be fooled by what others are saying. It's not building up "flavour" it is literally old and rancid coffee "flavours" you are building up. So please please clean you pot with soap and a soft sponge every single time.


Kumpir is a traditional Turkish streetfood wich is based on a baked potato with cheese and toppings. In this case, the inside of the potato is mixed and mashed heavily with Gouda cheese and topped with olives, sweet corn, roasted sausage pieces, and salty pickles. Dressed with ketchup and mayo. Many different types of toppings exists, so very easy to make as you like.


It can certainly turn night into day

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Jeg vil gerne købe en symaskine som gave til min kæreste, men ved ikke hvad jeg skal vælge eller om div "bedst i test" er til at stole på. Derfor tænkte jeg at spøge jer nørder her om der er nogen som ved noget om hvad der dur og ikke dur. Min kæreste er begynder til let øvet i symamkine og jeg er på udkig efter noget i prisklassen 1000-2500 kr måske lidt mere. Har allerede kigget på denne her Husqvarna husqvarna-viking-emerald-116 men den er også lidt dyr. Håber der er nogen som kan hjælpe.


I lyset af alle de nyheder, jeg ser på DR omkring klimaforandringer og reparation af ejendele, vil jeg gerne høre fra jer. Har I for nylig taget initiativ til at reparere noget derhjemme eller på arbejdspladsen i stedet for at smide det ud? Jeg har for eksempel selv på hjemmefronten stoppet sokker og karklude, så de holder mere end dobbelt så længe, og på arbejdet går jeg rigtig meget op i at genbruge elektronik. En gammel computerskærm kan blive til et dashboard eller en ekstra skærm ved siden af min hovedskærm. Jeg skiller også gamle automationsudstyr ad og genbruger knapper, PLC'er og motorer, som kun er nogle få år gamle. Fortæl og inspirer.


One of these has definitely hauled more than the other, and i guarantee you it's not the ford.

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