joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Awesome. I'll give it a go with lutris

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

Happy to hear a succes story and Sims 3 is the least interesting of the bunch. Sims 2 and 4 are most important for her.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I I wrote to someone else here I don't really understand Lutris when I tried it about a year ago. I found it a bit confusing on how to use it and gave up rather quickly because steam ended up worked for my needs back then. But now I want remote play and Sims to work and I feel like I'm starting from scratch even though I very good with Linux. Gaming on Linux is a whole different ordeal with drivers and compatibility layers and I don't want my girlfriend (or myself for that matter) to be bothered by this when we just want to game.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I briefly tried to install lutris on my laptop about a year ago, but i found it really confusing to use. If I remember correctly it required a disk or iso to install and i have everything through either steam or EA or som older games just installs natively so I didn't really understand why or how I should use it.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago

I får lige min copy pasta. Ved ikke om det stadig virker, men det er forsøget værd...

Et trick til at komme ud af abonnement hos Adobe er at skifte dit abonnement til et andet hvilket du kan gøre uden gebyr. Derefter har du 14 dages fuld fortrydelsesret som du så kan bruge lige med det samme til at annullere dit køb og vupti så har du lukket dit abonnement. Adobe ser skiftet som et helt nyt avononent som er urelateret til det gamle hvorfor du får fornyet din 14. Dages fortrydelsesret

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Sikke en omgang vås.

Adobe's rigtig kunder er deres shareholders. Os almindelige dødelige er produktet til deres profit maskine.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Does pop then use SNAP because then I don't really want to touch it. Imo. SNAP is so slow and bloated I don't want it on my system if I can avoid it.


Now that windows 10 is end og life soon I want to update my gaming PC to Linux but I am very unsure on how to approach it, even though I'm pretty proficient in Linux. I daily drive Debian 12 on my laptop and have Ubuntu server and truenas on two other devices but those are all for very different use cases than gaming. I'm not afraid of the terminal (I actually often prefer it over GUI) but since this setup is for gaming for both me and my girlfriend I want this experience to be as easy and hands off low maintenance as possible.

My desktop is about 6 years old and consist of an MSI Tomahawk B450 motherboard with an Ryzen 5 2600X and an Asus Nvidia 1660ti and 16GB of RAM. I just recently installed 1TB nvme SSD so I have a decent amount of capacity available, but I'm generally not interested in dual boot since I have bad experience from the past with windows suddenly deciding to take over and ruin it all. For temporary testing it is of course an option but I really don't like it due to the maintenance of it.

Important games for me is Sims 2, 3 and 4 (with almost all expansions packs on Sims 4) and they are currently purchased through the EA game store. I also have a few steam games and Minecraft but I'm fairly sure they all work decently since I've tried on my laptop.

I use steam remote play to stream the desktop to a MacBook on the local network when Sims is played and it works quite well at the moment and it is important that it continues to work or an alternative remote play function to mac is easily available.

Sims is my biggest worry to get working since my girlfriend is playing it a lot and with a lot of custom content (mostly just assets) added along all the expansion packs. Rebying everything through steam is not an option (way too expensive) so I really hope there is a way to get EA GameStore to work without too much effort using wine or some other workaround.

I hope you guys have some ideas on how to approach this and keep the most important functions for me up and running.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Du kan blive overrasket... Spiller selv på en gammel Lenovo bærbar men integreret grafikkort og den klarer fint 1080 med de fleste ting sat til high og jeg får 60 til 100 fps

Minecraft spilles fint i 720p og sæt mange af indstillingerne til low eller mid, så er du fint kørende.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago

Det er alligevel rimelig avanceret meta shit posting vil jeg sige.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

Altid rart med lidt aktivitet fra nye brugere. Lidt vildt at der kommer så mange så lige pludselig.

Håber at alle jer nye vil tage del i de mange gode snakke og diskussioner vi har her på feddit. Selv har jeg været enormt glad for at feddit er lidt mere sagligt orienteret og ikke så meget karma farming og opdutliderlighed som man så ofte ser på reddit.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

I agree that it's still littering. It was also more as an "if in worst case it does end up in nature it is at least compostable" kinda thought.

Despite being compostable, it would take years to degrade

What the heck do they think a banana peal is made of?! From my own experience no more than a single year and it is degraded so much it is basically dirt


Støtte på dette opslag i zero waste (se opslag under) og det fik mig til endelig at slå dette opslag og som jeg har tænkt på i nogen tid.

Burde vi ikke lave bedre lovgivning for hvordan producenter bruger indpakning så vi ikke skal affaldssortere til at starte med. Lovgivning som diktere at man kun må bruge f.eks pap, papir, metal, træ, plantemateriale etc som indpakning og man skal altid bruge mindst muligt. Hvis det kan bevises at man bruger overflødig indpakning har man f.eks 5 måneder til at ændre det. Eller man kunne give en bonus til virksomheder som opfinder ny indpakningsteknologi. Al indpakning skal ikke bare kunne skilles ad, men skal også minimere kompleksiteten således at man kun bruger så få forskellige materialer som muligt.

Et godt eksempel er faktisk mobiltelefoner som i dag stortset kun bruger pap som indpakning så når man har taget varen ud så ryger 100% af indpakning til papaffald.

Hvad synes i om dette emne. Lovgivning eller måske noget helt andet?

tværpostet fra:

The fact that it's the consumer's responsibility to sort their waste and to try and minimise its impact on the environment in the first place is completely wrong to me.

Most people in urban areas rely on stores for basic survival, and the vast majority of products we buy there come with unnecessary waste. It doesn't make any sense to then tell these people "by the way, you'd better clean up that mess when you're done because it's bad for the environment". If governments were truly concerned or willing to act, this waste wouldn't make it into our homes in the first place.

If a company wants to sell a product, they should be held accountable for the waste that comes along with it. They should have to prove that they can reuse the waste and be incentivised to reduce it. If they can't, they can't operate.

Ecocide laws need to become commonplace, and the consumer should not be responsible for their waste if they haven't got legitimate alternative options. I understand this community is more willing to do their part in this regard, but I don't think it'll ever be feasible to expect this from the wider population. We need to stem the flow, not just handle the mess.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Bagte en squashkage i går sammen med kæresten. Blev super lækker.

Fik også spillet lidt mere på min Minecraft world hvor jeg fik bygget mit opbevarings rum fyldt med kister til alle mine items.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Jeg har oprettet et nyt fællesskab her på Feddit som jeg har valgt at kalde "Det Mentale Barometer"

På Det Mentale Barometer kan man dele tanker, følelser og erfaringer om mental sundhed, trivsel og livet generelt. Her kan du:

  • Snakke om ADHD, autisme, angst, depression og mere.
  • Dele memes, relevante artikler, videoer eller billeder.
  • Lufte dine tanker og følelser, hvis du har brug for et sted at dele.
  • Deltage i ugentlige opslag som "Hvordan har du det?" for at tjekke ind med dig selv og andre. Måske vil hjælpe med at sætte en bot op?

Jeg håber folk vil deltage og tage godt imod det.



I really need som tips on how to avoid getting trapped by my own hyperfokusing.

I very often i get completely consumed by either youtube shorts or something similar and i loose complete sense of time and spends literally 5 hours on just doom scrolling and wasting time. The worst part is that I'm hyperly aware that I'm doing it the whole time and I really want to stop but I just won't shake myself off of it. I feel so bad because i should go walk the dog or go do my hobies instead. It happens the most often when I'm supposed to work from home and it makes the guilt feel even worse. If only I could do something for myself at least while not actually working. The only way I've found working so far is blocking the websites from me using blockers but I know that I'll just either circumvent them or find something else that's equally bad for me to hyperfokus on. And I do have legitimate reasons to use YouTube sometimes for work for tutorials etc so blocking it doesn't really work so well for me.

How do I get out when I find myself in that trapped state? Let me know how you are dealing with it.

I wanna add that I'm medicated with methylphenidate but it doesn't really work on getting out of the trap if I've first gotten in.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Danish rye bread, known as "rugbrød," is a staple in Danish cuisine, renowned for its dense texture and rich, slightly tangy flavour. My recipe however is on the milder side and is probably more palatable to people from outside Denmark. This bread is packed with whole grains and seeds, making it not only delicious but also nutritious. Unlike lighter, airier wheat breads, Danish rye bread has a robust, chewy consistency that pairs perfectly with a variety of toppings. It's commonly enjoyed as an open-faced sandwich, topped with an array of ingredients such as cold cuts, cheeses, smoked fish, eggs, fresh vegetables, or simply just a good layer of butter. Whether for breakfast, lunch, or as a snack, Danish rye bread provides a satisfying and wholesome base for any meal.

I hope this recipe will work for you, and please let me know if the bread doesn't turn out well, as the recipe always works perfectly for me every single time. I buy flour at the local discount food store, but I've used many different brands, and it still works just as well.

Good luck and feel free to send pictures of your results.

Link to original post in danish

Everyday Rye Bread with Lots of Seeds


the recipe is for a single loaf of rye bread fitting a 3L bread pan

  • 10 g fresh yeast (3g dry i think)

  • 3 dl buttermilk/kefir/yoghurt or whatever you have on hand.

  • 5 dl water

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 12g salt

  • 365 g rye kernels

  • 200 g wheat flour

  • 270 g rye flour

  • 315 g additional seeds, mix as you like, e.g.

    • 90g flaxseeds
    • 90g sunflower seeds
    • 90g walnuts
    • 45g chia seeds
    • 1 Tbsp dark malt flower (optional)

For the additional seeds, you can instead also use:

  • A handful of cranberries
  • Wheat kernels
  • Pearl barley
  • Chopped almonds
  • Hazelnuts
  • Oats


Dissolve the yeast in the wet ingredients and then add the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything well for 10 minutes on the machine. If you don't have a mixer, you can stir it by hand in a large bowl with a wooden spoon/spatula. Then pour the dough directly into a 3-liter bread pan. After the dough is in the bread pan, smooth the surface with a wet spatula or fingers. If you like, you can sprinkle some seeds on top as decoration (I usually dont).

Cold Rising

Cover the bread pan with an 8L plastic bag and an elastic band, or use cling film. Place in the refrigerator for 12 - 24 hours.

If you want to bake the same day, you can use about 15 g of yeast and let the dough rise at room temperature for about 2 hours instead, but be careful not to let the dough rise too much as it happens much faster than in the refrigerator. I generally discourage this as it gives the seeds and kernels less time to absorb the water. Cold rising in the fridge is preferable.


Take the bread out of the refrigerator 1-3 hours before it is to be baked so it can come to room temperature and finish rising. Keep an eye on the dough and see how quickly it rises, so you can preheat the oven in good time. When the dough is ready, it should preferably go straight into the oven.

The dough is ready when there are 5-10 small pinhead-sized bubbles on the surface. This is not always visible as it depends a bit on the flour, but otherwise, 2 hours is usually enough. Generally don't let it stay for more than 2 hours, especially if you live in a hot climate.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the bread in when it is ready. No fan. Place the bread on the very bottom rack, as low as possible. Bake the bread for about 1 hour 50 minutes or until the internal temperature of the bread is 96-98 degrees.

Take the bread out of the bread pan immediately after it has finished baking and let it cool on a rack

Remember that ovens can vary, so if the bread, feels a bit soft on the bottom side and slightly under baked, give it another 5-10 minutes in the oven but this time leave it out of the bread pan. If you feel like it takes significantly longer than 1 hour and 40-50 min to bake maybe your oven is a bit colder than mine so raise the temperature 5 degrees next time you bake.

Wait with slicing and plastic baging the bread until it is completely cooled. It can take several hours. You can put a thin tea towel over it while it cools on the rack if you want a softer crust or to protect it a bit while cooling over night.



Mix the dough in the evening and put it in the refrigerator until the next day. Then you can take the bread out when you get home from work the next day and bake it durring the evening and have it cool down over night.

When the bread is completely cooled, it can be sliced with a sharp knife (not serrated) and put in a bag in the freezer. When you want to use the bread, the frozen slices can easily be separated with a knife blade and a little push. The slices are toasted in the toaster and eaten warm.

If the bread is sliced on a narrow cutting board, it is much easier to put in a bag as seen in the picture below.

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