Maybe not over the stock market, but they certainly had enough to send a lot of web 3 nerds running
This is the most unbelievable thing I've heard in a while
This would be an objectively good thing for retail traders in a few ways, though there'd be some hilarious issues from making stocks into digital bearer bonds - what do you do if I steal your Google coins, or if you die while holding them in a wallet with a lost key? Any answer that's not "too bad lol" can only mean giving terrifying power to a DAO - or right back to the SEC
Actually block chain powers the world's best version control system used by millions of people, it was really revolutionary
Seems like it got... Railroaded.
Absolutely baited
And I'm not sure where you are pulling the "if you are that powerful" from.
(The preceding comment was a parody of Great Man ideology)
I would demand a medium sized enterprise or two from the privatization website in exchange for defection
I'm going to have to ask you to place your dot on one of four quadrants so I can hurry up and assume everything else you've got to say
State subsidization has also dived off a cliff. Why would they when they know people will take out loans to make it up? (Neoliberal answers only!)
Tbh I think the vast majority of people that use these sites are just there to mindlessly scroll. I do imagine a lot of their reactions to the protests was to be pissed at the weird basement dwellers disrupting their porn/aww/etc feeds
More than anything, the fact that Reddit absolutely quadruple-downed on steering people to their garbage app at the same time probably drove a lot of that crowd away. I regard it like ~~Twitter~~ X now: just another rotting, closed-off corporate theme park - and I refuse to believe any content I hit a login wall after getting linked to is important enough to deal with their shit.