I too like hentai. Images > video tho, no cap
Russland ist in der Ukraine einmarschiert. Islamistische Terroristen zu unterstützen ist doch nichts für Putin. Nebenbei versuchen sie uns im Internet zu manipulieren, sie unterstützen Faschisten in aller Welt, zerstören Unterseekabel und und und. Ich traue Putin fast alles zu mitlerweile.
I think airvpn is based in Italy
I thought the orgasm button was in my butt?
Oh I'm sure the rich will be just fine. The rest of us are replaceable ☺️
Damn, so it's hopeless then?
Cause it's proprietary garbage? You are at that company's mercy. Simple as
Bold of you to assume. The ones who voted Trump either wanted all this or are dumb as fuck to not see it coming. Don't put your hopes on them.
Well duh, you need to shoot him BEFORE he can start a world war. Ideally before he comes into power, but I guess that ship has sailed.
Not just them
It's from 2017, right? It was very clear Musk was an idiot back then too.
Maybe not as comically evil as he is now, but still.