There are ways value is created that are absent of labor and Marxist economists have to go to extremes to justify the labor basis of the value. l
I literally state that unripe olives are green.
He was talking about worldwide communism. This was during the Cold War and no one would even think America was an oligarchy at the time. The audience knew it was the Soviets he was talking about primarily.
I an talking about the obligation to clothe the naked, feed the hungry and tend to the suck and you are asking about slavery. There is no obligation to enslave anyone so the only reason to bring up slavery is to then argue against slavery. It us entirely unrelated to the topic at hand.
Im not interested in carrying this on further.
Which isn’t an IRL concern for most men. I used to be friends with a woman in a sugar baby relationship. She looks like a prettier version of Samantha Browning and I look like Waldo/Wally from Where’s Waldo if Waldo had bad skin and missing a few teeth.
Every once in a while someone would ask why I was hanging out with her and my reply would be something along the lines if she’s nice, interesting, and Im poor and I own a mirror. I had nothing to lose by hanging out with someone who was interested in beibg friends with me clearly because of whobI was rather than anything material I had to offer.
Whomever is doing isglitch is doing a great job
Not all olives are making bright green oil though? Not all olives are green. Unripe olives are green and the go purple to black as they ripen. Black olives are fully ripe and d not press bright green.
That really depends on many factors starting with who made your phone. The cheap $20 Huawei android phone I got as my first android because my previous phone died and I was broke was absolutely dumping everything put through it to someone in the cloud. That is why it only made phone calls.
Put down the straw bale as constructing straw men is always a waste of everyone’s time.
Well that is certainly the totalitarian perspective for sure.
which happens more overtly on android
Cool, China has gone towards a state that is more exploitative and abusive to its workers than it had been 10-20 years ago.
Im not claiming that China never putsued these goals I am outright statibg that it is a lie to suggest they are pursuing them now. They have goven up and are more nei-mercantilist/capitalist than anything resembling what Marx advocates.