It’s been field tested and the biggest complaint was that it would give soldiers nausea because tracking wasn’t good enough and refresh rate was slow.
Amerikans are salivating at the idea of appeasing their new dictator and vice dictator. Every company is lining up to show fealty.
This is a copy pasta. I read it on Reddit several years ago.
How would you propose someone online proves their lived experience to another random person online?
I’m all ears.
This sounds like where I live haha. Why I don’t really tell anyone anything anymore.
That’s a strange way of going about life in my opinion. Very authoritarian and hierarchical sounding to me. No one has all the information so no one can be the boss. If someone has new info that you don’t have, that doesn’t make them an authority over the other person.
It’s very one dimensional thinking. Can’t stand it.
I wish I met more people who were the first type. I’m so used to keeping info to myself around new people because I don’t wish to make enemies since most people I meet are the second type.
Christians are fucking ghouls.
I’m too old for this meme
I just use Bazzite because it’s Fedora with all the gaming tweaks preinstalled (including NVIDIA drivers and displaylink drivers for docks). Best part is it’s immutable so you can’t mess it up irreparably by deleting something or putting some random commands into terminal. This doesn’t quite answer your question but since you mentioned this is for a roommate who is switching from w10, I figured I’d chime in with my usual shilling.