
joined 9 months ago
[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 week ago

Is that really more cost-effective than billboards in swing states?

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 week ago

That'll matter.

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 week ago

All except for one (the girl reading this)

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 week ago

Eggs are both especially expensive due to bird flu and a cheap staple that many people relied on. Everything has gotten more expensive due to inflation but they made an extreme and relatable example.

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml -2 points 1 week ago

Christ, if you stopped trying to judge the moral rightness of voters for half a minute you might figure out how to actually win an election.

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Good, but why put it in Times Square?

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 week ago

Everyone's angry, nobody can agree on what the problem is or what to do about it.

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Don’t intimidate our hexbear refugees 😞

I promise that dissing libs will not intimidate Hexbearians.

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

America has already been sold out. Almost every year, no matter who's in charge, the military gets bigger while everything else gets cut. The only people who benefit from it are military contractors and politicians. Of all the many wars since WWII, not one of them has actually benefitted ordinary people, and a lot of them have made the lives of ordinary people much worse for no reason. But because it's what the rich want, there's complete bipartisan support for it. People are struggling more and more every day to access education, healthcare, even basic necessities, while even our infrastructure is falling apart, but we have an endless supply of bombs and weapons, spending more on that than the next 9 countries combined.

If you actually care about US security, you should support cutting the military in favor of domestic spending, because at this point, who's going to stick their neck out to protect such a dysfunctional system? But no, even the supposedly "left-leaning" party is fully on board with militarism and jingoism while the core rots. To the point of attacking conservatives from the right over it!

As I say in my other comment in this thread, Trump isn't actually going to cut the military, he increased military spending in his first term and will most likely do so again. However, because of insane liberals who somehow still believe in "benevolent interventionism" even after Iraq and Afghanistan, Trump is able to triangulate and pick up antiwar, libertarian types who can't see through his act. Liberals do everything in their power to help him by openly supporting militarism and denouncing anyone who opposes it as a "Russian bot" (or similar), regardless of their reasons.

The bizarre thing is how someone can square the circle of angrily opposing military cuts while not recognizing that they're a right-winger.

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The weirdest to me are variations of, "If God didn't exist it would make me feel bad." Uhh???

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 26 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I'll believe it when I see it. Military spending increased in his first term and talk is cheap.

If he actually followed through on cutting the military budget by half, it'd be an incredible move and I'd start considering him the lesser evil. But it's all for show, it's triangulation to appeal to certain groups. End of the day, he's a right winger and right wingers won't cut the military.

[–] Objection@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 week ago

Sure, but it can still cause a lot of destruction in the meantime if it decides to go out with a bang.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Objection@lemmy.ml to c/usa@lemmy.ml

President Trump kept America out of new wars and brought thousands of brave troops home from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and many other countries. Joe Biden has undermined our military readiness and surrendered our strength to the Taliban.

When Trump pulls troops out of Afghanistan, it's "bringing thousands of brave troops home," but when Biden does the same, it's, "surrendering our strength to the Taliban." He brags about "keeping America out of foreign wars" while at the same time bragging about assassinating "the world's number one terrorist," Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, which was an extreme act of provocation.

This is taken from the issues page of Trump's campaign website, and there are several more statements relating to foreign policy, frequently and boldly contradicting each other. It's a perfect example of the "If By Whiskey" tactic. So what's actually going on here? Well, to understand the reasons for this equivocation, we need to analyze the foreign policy positions of Americans.

Broadly speaking, people fall into one of four camps: Idealist Hawk (liberals), Idealist Dove (libertarians), Realist Hawk (nationalists), and Realist Dove (socialists).

Idealist Hawks believe that US foreign policy is driven by benevolence and spreading freedom, and the fact that it repeatedly fails to do so (Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc) is explainable by a variety of excuses. Generally, they are more interested in current events and easily persuaded to support intervention based on seeing a bad thing happening, without a broader analysis or explanation of the situation or how things have played out historically.

Idealist Doves also believe that US foreign policy is driven by benevolence, but they see that as a bad thing. They are generally right libertarians or hold libertarian values, they see war as another example of wasteful government spending as it tries and fails to improve people's lives, which they generally don't see as a valid goal in the first place. Being idealists, they are still rather easily duped into supporting war and militarism, often, they will support a "night watchman state," with police and the military being the only legitimate functions.

Realist Hawks are nationalists who believe that states pursue their own material interests and are right to do so. They are incapable of distinguishing between the state's interest and their own. Some few are rich enough to actually receive benefits from US foreign policy, but most just root for America in the same way that they might root for a football team.

Realist Doves, which I am a part of, do not believe that US foreign policy is not grounded in benevolence and does not benefit the people it claims to be helping, but also (generally) that it doesn't benefit the majority of people at home. We see it as being driven by and for class interests, and are opposed to the class it benefits.

Trump's foreign policy equivocation, and his "America First" slogan allows him to appeal to both the Idealist Doves (libertarians) and the Realist Hawks (nationalists). He can't consistently take any line on any specific thing. If by Afghanistan, you mean a disastrous nation-building exercise, wasteful government spending, and endangering our troops for the sake of helping foreigners, then of course Trump opposes it. But if by Afghanistan, you mean exerting American strength, intimidating Russia and China, and weakening terrorists to keep America safe, then of course Trump supports it.

In reality, to the extent that Trump has coherent beliefs at all, he is a Realist Hawk, a nationalist, and his record reflects that. But part of the reason he was able to get anywhere was because he was able to triangulate and equivocate well enough to dupe anti-war libertarians.

Unfortunately, in American politics, the conflict is generally between Idealist Hawks and everyone else. This is part of what allows the nationalists and libertarians to put aside their differences (the other part being that libertarians are easily duped). Realist Doves are not represented anywhere, the Idealist Interventionists consider us Russian bots along with everyone else who disagrees with them on foreign policy (regardless of how or why), the Idealist Doves are extremely unreliable, and the Realist Hawks may see the world in a similar way but have diametrically opposed priorities.

tl;dr: Trump's halfhearted antiwar posturing is an obvious ruse that only an idiot would fall for, but painting everyone skeptical of US foreign policy with the same brush helps him to sell it and to paint over ideological rifts that could otherwise be potentially exploited.


What is Soulism? Soulism, also known as anarcho-antirealism, is a school of anarchist thought which views reality and natural laws as unjust hierarchies.

Some people might laugh at the idea and say it's not a serious ideology, but this is no laughing matter. If these people are successful, then consensus reality would be destroyed and we would return to what the world was like before the Enlightenment. What did that world look like? Well, you had:

  • Ultra-powerful wizards hoarding knowledge in high towers, reshaping reality to their whims, with no regard for the common people

  • Bloodthirsty, aristocratic vampires operating openly, and on a much larger scale than they do today

  • Viscous, rage-driven werewolves terrorizing the populace, massacring entire villages with reckless abandon

  • Fey beings abducting children and replacing them with their own

  • Demons and angels waging massive wars against each other with humans caught in the crossfire

Fortunately, out of this age of chaos and insecurity emerged a group of scientists dedicated to protecting and advancing humanity by establishing a consensus reality and putting a stop to these out-of-control reality deviants.

Before, if you got sick or injured, you'd have to travel across the land through dangerous enchanted forests seeking a skilled faith healer or magical healing potion. But with consensus reality, easily accessible and consistent medical practices were instilled with the same magical healing properties. Once, if you wanted to transmute grain into bread, you had to convince a wizard to come out of their tower and do it, and they were just as likely to turn you into a newt for disturbing their studies. But thanks to consensus reality, anyone could build their own magical tower (a "mill") and harness the mana present in elemental air to animate their own "millstones" to do it! These things were only made possible by consensus reality.

Now, I'm not saying that this approach doesn't have it's drawbacks and failures, and I'm not going to say that the reality defenders have never done anything wrong. But these "Soulists" want to destroy everything that's been accomplished and bring us back to the times when these supernatural reality deviants were more powerful than reason or humanity, and constantly preyed upon us.

So do not fall for their propaganda, and if you see something, says something. Anyone altering reality through belief and willpower, or any other reality deviants such as vampires or werewolves, should be reported immediately to the Technocratic Union for your safety, the safety of those around you, and, indeed, the safety of reality itself.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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