There’s so many little things about Legacy that I feel like really make it feel special, and bedrock is missing all of those. Things like the fog, or the UI designed with consoles in mind. Stuff like that. 4J just really understood it, I wish they had been allowed to managed bedrock edition
I almost considered and but decided I wanted a cabin in the woods instead. I still want to use it for something though (assuming I ever end up playing the world some more)
I think Black Flag still had them online when I last checked.
I’ll have to play odyssey soon though. I was looking for an AC game to play after my Planned eventual playthrough of AC 3
I’ll have to look into Chaos Theory. Is there a recommended way to play it? I know some people suggest certain console releases over the PC version or other console version
Is modern warfare remastered good? I’ve seen gameplay clips before and it seems almost like a military drama like Saving Private Ryan but in modern times, which is something I’m interested in. But every time there’s a sale I forget to pick it up
Splinter Cell is a name i've heard thrown around a lot but honestly have never thought to try. I might look into it at some point, because i love stealth games (my friend not so much though, AC Unity is the only one i've ever seen not stress him out)
I'm legit considering picking it up if it ever goes on sale. For $40 i couldn't warrant the price for me personally, but for lower? I'd be willing to consider it
Are the servers shut down on Playstation? (i'm assuming since you said Platinum your on PS). I don't know 100% of all the achievements on there, but as long as none of them depend solely on another player being there you should be able too run Multiplayer missions Solo, i used to do it for years on my first few playthroughs when i was younger. But yeah, i get your frustration. There's so many games in my collection i just can't 100% because of online, whether it's servers shutting down or just general multiplayer troubles.
How's Odyssey btw? I'm embarrassed to admit that Odyssey i initially skipped over because i didn't think i'd like the way the story was going being pre-assassin's and the gameplay, but i picked up Valhalla later and loved the gameplay bit (at least in small pieces) so i'm wanting to give it a try since i got it with the entire AC bundle on Steam.
They were on Xbox with Splitscreen, I was on PC. I would have totally loved to all have been on the same console though 3/4 player splitscreen can be a chaotic amount of fun
Blocking is an option if you don’t want to see my stuff. I’m just having fun and there’s no harm in it
Hopefully it holds up as well as other games of its age I’ve found then, because I’ve heard such amazing things about the Ezio trilogy and I’m excited to pick it up one day, despite how I keep putting it off
I miss the mini-games so much. I wish they'd come back in some capacity (that isn't the Minecraft Store)