
joined 7 months ago

Me and my usual gaming buddy played some Red Dead Online today. We didn't do much outside of a bounty and dicking around in strawberry for an hour. For a bit we climbed the building like in the screenshot above and tried to see if we could throw ourselves into the river.

After that proved to be impossible i ended up trying to lock myself in a prison cell. I succeeded by using a shotgun to blast the door shut since i couldn't fit behind the door to close it, only to find out that doors close automatically after a while. I got this screenshot though of me sitting on the floor serving my "sentence".

After that we went and played around in the river for a bit, but ended up on a search and rescue mission after i fell into a water wheel and my corpse got lost down stream. We got our lanterns out and went to search for it.

Luckily we found my corpse lodged in some rocks down stream. We scooped the poor thing up and carried it home where we gave it a proper funeral.

Not before my friend dropped it on the butcher's table though. That poor Digital Butcher was probably traumatized. Finally though, after blowing my own leg off with a shotgun on accident along the way, we made it to the graveyard where we tossed me onto some random grave and gave me a proper funeral, with last words and everything. Some random lady even came by to pay her respects, then she unloaded a whole clip into my corpse. i had a screenshot for this but Lemmy seems to be bugging out and won't let me share it sadly.

[–] 2 points 12 hours ago

I miss the mini-games so much. I wish they'd come back in some capacity (that isn't the Minecraft Store)

[–] 3 points 20 hours ago (2 children)

There’s so many little things about Legacy that I feel like really make it feel special, and bedrock is missing all of those. Things like the fog, or the UI designed with consoles in mind. Stuff like that. 4J just really understood it, I wish they had been allowed to managed bedrock edition

[–] 2 points 20 hours ago

I almost considered and but decided I wanted a cabin in the woods instead. I still want to use it for something though (assuming I ever end up playing the world some more)


Today’s game is Minecraft for the PS3. I wanted to kick back and take it easy today, so I booted up a survival world and made a little house. I ended up settling it in a snow biome I found After spawning in the jungle above.

The first thing I did was get a furnace and a crafting table setup. I was hoping to get a bed made but ran out of time before night fall.

I ended up blocking the front door with a dirt block to prevent a zombie from busting down the door since I think they can do that in PS3 version 1.0.

I ended up staring at this blade of grass while waiting for night to end. The entire time there was a spider outside I could hear. I was hoping to get a screenshot of it too but I could track down where it was.

I ended up backtracking when day broke to near where I spawned in search of sheep. I wandered by this cozy little cave while searching it. I nearly wandered into it to check for iron but saw a skeleton and decided not too.

Finally though, after searching. I got the wool I needed to complete this bed in my house. I can now proudly show off the finished product


I finished up Call of Duty WWII today. On my first playthrough i never ended up finishing it, but i really enjoyed finishing it in this playthrough. I think i am happy that i waited this long to finish it though. I think younger me would have had a bit more of a harder time understanding exactly how horrible the war is, and by association understanding how horrible this game is. It's one of those things were when you're little and you hear about it, you go "oh, that's really fucked up", but when you're older and think back on it you really start to understand exactly how it's fucked up, though part of that just may have been information i wasn't told about at that age while in school.

Moving away from that though, The game features some really pretty landscapes that honestly are some of my favorites. I don't ever really associate COD with amazing graphics, but i'm more than happy to be proven wrong. I don't know if the lighting is baked either or if it's really fucking optimized, but the whole game runs so smoothly for how good lighting and shadows are. I'm pushing a solid 60 FPS (the max my monitor can do) at 120% of 4K and it's not even breaking a sweat.

There was another Stealth section i had to do like yesterday where i had to sneak into a camp to provide overwatch to the platoon while they tried to steal a truck full of explosives. The stealth sections in this game were one of my favorite parts. I wish it had more almost.

The game ended with an epilogue where you're walking through an internment camp that had been abandoned after the Nazis were pushed out looking for one of your squadmates that was captured in an earlier mission. This part i have a bit of mixed feelings on. i think it handled the subject respectfully, for example the above screenshot was one of the Barracks, and the entire time you're shown photos that highlight just how horrible this was. But it kind of felt rushed too. The section was basically a 5 minute walk through a barrack and two courtyard and then you're running through the woods after your friend (though, the walk through the camp you are locked out of running which i personally like, it makes it where you can't just speed your way through the entire thing and brush it off). I personally feel like the game should have shown more of the camp though because up until that point the game never really acknowledged anything to do with the camp besides one line and a quick cutscene, at least that i can remember.

Overall though I appreciate that the epilogue didn't try to be some grand thing of epic heroics. They very easily i feel could have made you fight your way through the camp, and to be honest I feel that would have been disrespectful, especially given the location. At least that's how personally i see it.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

I think Black Flag still had them online when I last checked.

I’ll have to play odyssey soon though. I was looking for an AC game to play after my Planned eventual playthrough of AC 3

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I’ll have to look into Chaos Theory. Is there a recommended way to play it? I know some people suggest certain console releases over the PC version or other console version

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Is modern warfare remastered good? I’ve seen gameplay clips before and it seems almost like a military drama like Saving Private Ryan but in modern times, which is something I’m interested in. But every time there’s a sale I forget to pick it up


I picked up Call of Duty WWII today a gave the campaign a go. Generally, i'm not a big COD fan (to this day this is the only mainline COD game i've played), but i picked this game up back when it launched to play with a friend, and i really enjoyed the game.

I think part of the reason is that WWII is an interesting war for me to learn about (to this same reason i want to pick up Wolfenstein, I've heard good things about it but don't know much). Granted, i don't want anyone to take that as me saying that Call of Duty is historically accurate. It does a good job painting the Nazis as the bad guys in my opinion (honestly though, if you needed it pointed out to you that the Nazis are the bad guys we've got bigger problems) and (at least for me) showed how horrific the war was, but i cannot vouch for it's historical accuracy.

I also ordered my friend a copy so we could play Zombies together. The Zombies had David Tennant in it, so instant love from me. Honestly it was fun though, i've never really touched COD Zombies mode, but it was a fun experience, that honestly even scared the shit out of me a few times with the jumpscares.

It ended up being on sale for $19, which is a price i'm far more willing to pay then the $60 base price on steam. Also, for the game being released in 2017 on the PS4 and Xbox One, it looks fucking gorgeous.

There's this section which comes after you help the French resistance liberate Paris, where there's fireworks firing off. I tried (and failed) to capture it, but the fireworks would light up the ground, it looked so good.

Preceding this part was also a section where you were playing as this one lady sneaking around undercover. You had to memorize fake papers and lie your way through the building, and then after that you had too sneak around a courtyard too plant explosives and let the troops in. It was fun, honestly i wish they had done more of a dual story system instead of having you play as the main U.S. soldier guy for the most part.

During the middle of the invasion there was this guy just carrying a open box of wine in the middle of gunfire. I'm not really sure why. I guess he was just preparing to celebrate ahead of time.

There's another section where you're trying to stop a Nazi train, it's another stealth segment, and after that it's a driving and on rails segment. I enjoyed it more than i expected, and there's a segment afterwards where you have to climb out of the wreckage. It proved a challenge for me, because First aid Kits were rare so i had to be careful not to get hit.

There's also this screenshot from the very beginning of the game too that looks really good. The way the light reflects off the helmets almost made it look realistic too me (at least when looking at it before, i had headphones on and cranked up so i was a bit caught up feeling like i was actually in a battlefield and trying to find cover.

Overall, i really like this game though. It's call of duty, so it is about as basic of a shooter as it gets in my opinion, but if you think if you can find it for a price you think it's worth i'd say it's worth picking up.

But, if you have a weak stomach or just can't stand blood, I'd say maybe avoid it. None of my screenshots showed it but the game can be really gory at times, and dark too (though that comes with the subject matter)

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Splinter Cell is a name i've heard thrown around a lot but honestly have never thought to try. I might look into it at some point, because i love stealth games (my friend not so much though, AC Unity is the only one i've ever seen not stress him out)

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

I'm legit considering picking it up if it ever goes on sale. For $40 i couldn't warrant the price for me personally, but for lower? I'd be willing to consider it

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Are the servers shut down on Playstation? (i'm assuming since you said Platinum your on PS). I don't know 100% of all the achievements on there, but as long as none of them depend solely on another player being there you should be able too run Multiplayer missions Solo, i used to do it for years on my first few playthroughs when i was younger. But yeah, i get your frustration. There's so many games in my collection i just can't 100% because of online, whether it's servers shutting down or just general multiplayer troubles.

How's Odyssey btw? I'm embarrassed to admit that Odyssey i initially skipped over because i didn't think i'd like the way the story was going being pre-assassin's and the gameplay, but i picked up Valhalla later and loved the gameplay bit (at least in small pieces) so i'm wanting to give it a try since i got it with the entire AC bundle on Steam.


Me and My friend finally got a chance to sit down and play Some Assassin's Creed Unity together. For some reason my internet has been slow today, like, painfully slow. So it was a bit laggy since i think it's peer to peer, but i'm not sure on that. The slow internet probably wasn't helping it though. We ran through a few of the Multiplayer missions together. The one above is from a mission where you have to stop Snipers from taking out Napoleon and a bomb from blowing up, and then tracking down letters to figure out who did it.

This one was taken on our way to the place where we found the intel on who was behind the plot. We ended up struggling quite a bit on this area because there were so many snipers we couldn't get too. After a bit though we managed to get it.

Another one we did was about the execution of Danton. We had to protect his friends from assassin's trying to kill them. When we first got there we had to sneak into a restricted area to talk to him. I ended up crowd blending and using a disguise to walk up to him and then sneak out again. The Mission took us to the crowded plaza you see above and me and my friend had a pretty lengthy brawl there.

Overall the Multiplayer is pretty fine. It's a lot more cut and dry then the Story though. The multiplayer boils down to the Basics for the most part. They're still a lot of fun, though they can be tedious to run by yourself.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

They were on Xbox with Splitscreen, I was on PC. I would have totally loved to all have been on the same console though 3/4 player splitscreen can be a chaotic amount of fun


Me and my Friend started on Halo Reach today. I know the Screenshot isn't of that, i forgot to get screenshots of that after i got distracted trying to keep track of which Data Pads i needed to get.

After Reach though, I introduced my younger siblings to Halo (as i felt i should pass it on since growing up i didn't have someone to pass it on to me, so i'd like to give them that experience). My previous attempt with Halo 1 with just the two of them doing split screen didn't go to well, because one of them was kind of being a dick to the other and killing him repeatedly. That was ages ago though, so i was hoping things had changed. Just in case though we did Halo 3 3-player Co-Op so i could be there to supervise.

I didn't realize that Player 3 (and presumably 4) got to be Elites. I really like that detail instead of just making them generic Master Chiefs like the older games. We ended up making it all the way to Floodgate before calling it quits. They played on easy mode, but that's okay because they were having fun and i needed the Easy Mode playlist out of the way anyways.

After they scuttled off to do whatever it is they do, i decided to use my time Achievement Hunting. I went through Halo 3 and tracked down Every Achievement i could find easily enough.

The first achievements on the block for me were the Primate ones. The were a bit difficult to find, i think partly because of my Monitors settings, but i had a lot of fun looking for it.

The next one i did was the developer one. I ended up using the Skull that lets you fly for it (and it was the only one i thought to use it for, for some reason).

And then, thankfully, the next few were multiplayer map ones. This one was from the Hippo one. I hopped into forge and scoured the floor for it. I ended up looking a while for it though because i thought it would be more obvious. While i was on this Multiplayer map trend i also got the Man on The Moon one and the Sounds Familiar one.

After this, i went and did the Cool Story Bro achievement. I struggled a bit on this one because i just can't get used to the Warthog Physics in Halo. They're just odd to work with for me. Luckily after about 20 minutes of attempts i made it.

And the finally, i did the Mind the Gap achievement. this is the one i wish i had used the Flying Skull for, because it took forever. Walking on foot to get all the warthogs. It was worth it personally for me though because i get to brag that i did it all without skulls (albeit due to my own negligence).

I didn't get a screenshot of this, but i also managed to do the entire first level of Combat Evolved on LASO. It wasn't as hard as i was expecting, but it was still a challenge. I started on the level Halo but had to stop because i was kind of trapped with just a Assault Rifle. I'm thinking of either going back at it with Co-Op, or starting the level over.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Blocking is an option if you don’t want to see my stuff. I’m just having fun and there’s no harm in it

[–] 2 points 5 days ago

Hopefully it holds up as well as other games of its age I’ve found then, because I’ve heard such amazing things about the Ezio trilogy and I’m excited to pick it up one day, despite how I keep putting it off


Me and my usual gaming buddy have finished Halo 4. We plan to move onto Halo Reach, but we also have wanted to play a little bit of Assassin's Creed Unity. So i decided to give it a bit of a dry test before playing multiplayer with my friend since Linux can be a bit unpredictable sometimes. The odd crop job is to remove personal info.

This game is probably one of my favorites of all time. It has that kind of nostalgia that can just bring you back to the moment when you first played it. It also has my favorite implementation of Parkour and Stealth. It took everything the Kenway Saga setup, and made it perfect. Not to mention the story and characters were some of my favorites.

As you can see, the game still has a few bugs, but they've almost entirely ironed them out from the horrific launch. There's nothing game breaking, and honestly this clipping issue with an NPC is the only one i encountered in my entire time playing.

I had spent a lot of the time i was playing practicing my Parkour and Stealth, and had a few clips i wanted to share in place of screenshots today that i really liked. But Bazzite has this weird issue with Steam's clip function where some games are just still frames. Halo MCC has this issue too. Oddly enough AC Rogue doesn't have this issue, so i'm not sure what it is. So instead here's a frame i ripped mid Parkour to share:


I continued playing through Pokemon Ultra Moon today. I made it all the way to the second island. I spent a lot of time systematically going through each route on the first island and clearing the dex of all the base forms i could find to help go towards my goal of a complete national dex in Pokemon Home, but overall today was very slow, so i didn't do many screenshots.

I also managed to snag a Everstone for my Litten after spending an hour searching for a Roggenrola in a cave. According to the wiki they have a 50% chance to hold one. I didn't have any open slots in my party to check though, so i just kept grabbing multiple after multiple. After all that work though i can safely say i kept my Litten from evolving.

I also revamped my party a bit. This probably won't be my final layout, but i have Kiva (my Litten), Bill, a Hawlucha a traded a Spearow for (which feels like a little unfair towards the person i traded too), A Butterfree i evolved after catching it on Route 1 (Which i need to come up with a nickname for), Uncle Tony, and Ash's Greninja from the Demo (which i'll probably also swap out for someone else, they're just kind of keeping the seat warm)


Today me and my friend Continued through Halo 4 Legendary since i'm bedridden today. We played through 3 more levels, and only have 3 left. I'm enjoying the story so far. The designs are a bit meh for me though, but that's just personal taste. They feel a bit generic Sci-fi to me.

There's this one section covered in trees in a swampy area i really enjoyed. having a scoped weapon here was a lot of fun. It made the combat in this area fun and unique.

There was also this section with a tank. Halo 4 has fixed a lot of my issues with the vehicle physics i feel like (though i miss the old janky ones a little bit too now after struggling with them for 4 games). I don't really care for the Charge meter on this one. It can be a bit hard to tell when i can fire again as opposed to the 4 dots below the reticle.

There was also this section with the Mech suit. It was fun to drive. Though, this section makes me feel like this game wasn't planned with Co-Op in mind because there was only one Mech. The whole game kind of gives that whole vibe though with the way the teleport points tug the other player around.

at the end of the very last level we did, i got a tank over a series of rocks i wasn't supposed too, thinking that there would be more combat. I spent nearly 5 minutes trying until i finally gained traction on some rocks. Only for it to turn out to be the end of the level. Me and my friend had a good laugh over it, and I still had fun trying to get it over the rocks though.


I caught the flu today. After much DayQuill and sleeping, I eventually found myself laying in bed playing Pokemon Ultra Moon on my 3DS. I originally was just working on transferring my Sonny dex over to Home, but then decided "fuck it, let's start on the Alola dex too". So I booted up the game and started it.

Funnily enough, the first time I played this game back in 2020, I played the OG version and not Ultra, because I thought Ultra was a direct sequel situation like Black & White 2. I only found out they were an expanded version after beating the originals.

For my Pokemon I ended up picking Litten. Its evolutions scare me though so I’m going to slap a Everstone on it to keep it from learning to be Bipedal.

While on my way to finish the tutorial, I noticed this truck which I want to know how the fuck it got in there. I feel like it’d be a pain to get in and out due to the angle. Also this town feels very redundant to have a truck for. The thing is so damn walkable that I could probably sprint from one side to the other.

Finally, I wanted to share my party. The Starter was following a trend I have of naming them after different Devices in my collection, and the rest were all made up on the fly based on what I could come up with. Bill’s Full name is “Bill Staleback” for some reason. It just came to me in the middle of my fever. Todd Howard came from my HG run when I was younger where I named everything I caught a variation of Todd Howard.


Today's game is Halo 4. Me and my friend ended up reversing our decision to go to Halo Reach then 4. The game looks amazing, i can't help but feel like it's missing some of the Halo feel to it though. It kind of reminds me more of Doom 2016 (despite being 4 years older). It's still fun to play though, just feels off.

I had this fun bug where an Elite was A-Posing in space after i killed him. It was funny to see, so i selected to use it as the main screenshot.

The game does have some wonderful landscapes though. Nowhere similar to Halo 3's or Halo 1's psychedelic-esque landscapes, but still they look pretty. They remind me a bit of The Shire in the Lord of The Rings. I think it's all the green probably:

The levels feel a bit longer in this one, and a bit harder than Halo 3's. To help combat this we ended up trying to ramp a warthog into the next area where it doesn't belong. We got it up the lip that was stopping us using a ghost, but right after rounding the corner the Warthog was hit by a Grunt and his Dick Brigade of Fuel Rods and that was the end of that thing. Here's a screenshot of the poor Warthog after we left it to continue on with our journey.

In the area after this, i kept having a reoccurring bug where my PS5 controller would just disconnect and i'd have to restart. It was that specific area only though. I don't know if it's because of Linux, Proton, or just a MCC issue, but i had to spend the whole rest of the level playing with Keyboard and Mouse. Despite never doing it, it turned out to be easier than i thought.

Overall i think i greatly enjoyed the other Halos better, but i'm not ruling Halo 4 out until i beat it to give it a fair chance. The controller bug was definitely a mood killer though.


I finally finished the Night Springs DLC for Alan Wake 2. I really loved the DLC. The ending of Time Breaker was amazing. One really cool section i loved was the ASCII art of Alan:

In game, it vaguely resembled Alan for me, but after having the screenshot shrunk, it resembled Alan way more. Not to mention i love the ending of it all leading back to Alan (possibly as another past draft).

Another part i loved was the sidescroller shooter. I genuinely wasn't expecting it to mix things up like that. I was fully expecting another 1 or 2 third person segments where we track down the polyhedron.

The black and white segment was cool too. The whole thing reminded me of old television like the OG Doctor Who or Quantum Leap. I got into taking photos with it and played with the film grain trying to get it too look more like a CRT show. I think it came out looking more like a Analogue horror video though:

While playing through Alan's story to get there, i also got some more fun photos too. I tried to capture the dark presence's face in this one, though to be honest it came out a little hard to see. I honestly can't decide if i like it more or not though

There was also this one, which i think i really like how it turned out. I was inspired by the concept art idea for the game of Alan finding bodies of himself covering the stairs while taking it

Overall i'm really liking how these DLCs have been (plus the homage to James Mccaffrey at the end i love). I'm going to let Alan Wake 2 take a backseat for the next few days while i work my way towards the Lake House DLC. I've heard nothing but praise for it, so i'm excited to get too it.

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