True, + I quit the proprietary programs/games that don't work on Linux anyways
No wonder why pewdiepie fell off.
IntelliJ IDEA runs on a jvm right not a electron app??
Same but I use Cromite or i try using a electron app (like heroic) on my pc.
Maybe native directx on non-windows hosts????
The only thing i use google for is lens and couldnt find a good replacement for it,Tineye is subpar.
Meh i find it slow.
CrossOver am pretty sure was designed to be easy and way more compatible to run Windows apps/games.
My favorite game :D
Cinnamon, Feels like Gnome done right,it's stable,customizable,Mehh resource intensive. Sadly no HDR AND VRR and a bit messy underneath the hood but I can use gamescope for HDR and VRR and i kinda wish the extension ecosystem was great. My workflow idk but I rarely use gtile actions like Send to kde connect and file converting is useful.
Ohhh okay, this is what the answer I was looking for.