Sam niech se wytnie nerkę
Grinberg chyba nie jest syjonistą skoro promuje anarchizm?
Eng. Hi! Zament here, we'd like to invite you to our benefit event at CRK (Centrum Reanimacji Kultury)! We'll have four bands playing diverse music, political groups' distros and (hopefully) a good time. This will be an opportunity to meet, get to know and talk with us. Maybe you have some feedback for our collective? Or maybe you're looking for a place to get something going? We'll be adding details of additional attractions to the facebook event page. Zament has been kicking around for almost two years and has already hosted many great initiatives and events. We want to keep doing that. You can probably guess that maintaining such a place is not easy, though we manage somehow. If you want to support us and help us to exist for at least another two years - drop by to party! The bands that will play for us are:
- Małgola No - alternative R&B Poznan She fell in love with American R&B as a little girl and dreamed of dancing and singing on stage like Destiny's Child. It's still not too late to make that dream come true, even though it's 25 years later. Previously known in narrow circles of alternative music lovers, Małgola, No will present the latest material from her upcoming June album titled "Memory loss", created in collaboration with local artists from Poland and Wales. This time she will take up the black sounds of the early 2000s as a producer. Grrrlish vocal and dance supertrio Małgola, No will take you back to the era of school mini playback shows, girl bands and Filipinka advice.
- Rdest - blackened crust punk Wroclaw A breath of fresh air from the Wroclaw punk scene. They combine black metal with crust punk. Invited them because everyone told me I had to see them playing. So why don't we do it together?
- Boysyrewicz - Emo Disco Wroclaw Boys known and liked. Known from where? Lie after lie and Modernslave. Liked why? Because they create beautiful music. Listen to it yourself:
- Kanoohii - pop/R&B Wroclaw Little alt boy with his band. Beautiful music and words describing the not-always-beautiful reality of Wroclaw. Thankfully, their concert will surely add some pink to the gray of Nadodrze's streets. Zament is an alternative, anarchist cultural venue. It hosts workshops, exhibitions, discussions, lectures, meetings, and is also home to the Free Library. See you!
Złapali go. Jakiś podobno naziole.
Nie dostanie wotum zaufania i poprostu wszystko się przedłuży a koniec końców i tak będziemy mieć Tuska.
Ale super! Życzę wam wszystkiego co najlepsze!
Ja właśnie czytam Bookchina i to jest najlepsze co do tej pory czytałam w tym temacie. Ekologia społeczna. Konflikt, o którym piszesz wydaje mi się trochę odklejony- jest kilkanaście projektów ustaw o nowe parki narodowe złożonych i nie blokują ich mieszkańcy tylko politycy powiązani ze spółkami czerpiacymi zyski z tych terenów. Nie musimy dążyć do dychotomi: albo ludzie albo dzika natura. Człowiek jest częścią natury i może nią być w sposób zrównoważony. Czerpać z niej i dzielić się z nią (Np. Technicznymi rozwiązaniami). To monopole ekonomiczne nie potrafią się dzielić.
Myślę że nie o to ci chodziło ale ja lubię: