Imo: Reactionaries always admire the barbarism that the rulers were capable of in feudal times and the trope of "everything will get better with the right leader in place" appeals to the idealism of liberals.
Of course!
My opinion stems mostly from talking with some comrades about the DKP. The only real experience with them is what I have read from their official program, I never met any of them personally.
In their party program they mostly just quote Marx and Lenin, which seems correct at first. However, this culminates in basic errors like proclaiming that we need to "strengthen the unions", while it is a fact that most german workers unions are not working for the proletariat, or are even controlled by bourgeois-aligned socdems (at best).
So any principled communist would analyze the situation and come to the conclusion that we first need to reclaim our unions in the first place! Strengthening, or supporting them now would be idiotic. So that is just lazy at best and revisionist at worst.
This, through working with them in a united front, could be forgiven (on the condition that they, through combined action admit and learn from this).
But most comrades I've spoken to that met them (e.g.: were a member or worked with them in the past) told me they are mostly just old people that have gotten really dogmatic, lots of them turning to revisionism (hence me calling them Trozkyites, maybe a bit crude on my side).
KO (=Kommunistische Organisation) were mostly active online, though I've only once seen two people waving their flag at a local demonstration. Only seen some of their anti-China content. They have recently founded the KP (=Kommunistische Partei, duh), but it remains to be seen what they actually do.
German comrade (Genosse) here,
MLPD is definitely a psy-op / fed thingy, 100%
DKP is mostly some old Trotzkytes as far as I've heard
There is a movement "Arbeiterbündnis für den Wiederaufbau der KPD" they are solid MLs and MLMs
Technically there is also the newly formed KP, founded by members of KO, don't know much about them, seeing as they are brand new
And the old FDJ is fairly active, having gained more and more members recently
Coincidentally I did have an IRL conversation with an older comrade about this topic (I've been a vegan for 5 1/2 years now) and she told me to read a passage from Engels that he wrote about vegetarians (the part played by labour in the transition from ape to man) in dialectics of nature.
Thinking that I couldn't be the first to be a vegan communist to read this, I found this great blog:
Great read, basically sums up all the same thoughts I had and then some!
I feel the exact same way, but never had sex myself. Our world really revolves around and plays up the importance of this. Maybe because we are so alienated by capitalism? This warrants some looking into.
Not at all, they will gleefully talk about how they hope for a second "Nuremberg trials" for Russia and talk endlessly about how this shows how much of "Stalin's legacy" remains in Putin
Nothing I can do there
I feel the exact same way, always lose my excitement to learn new things when somebody tells me to listen about it on some podcast, huge turnoff
Happy Birthday comrade and a successfull struggle to you!
O7 We thank you for your service comrade!
Checked it out, no posts, no description. Why should I join? What is it for? Isn't this technically redundant because we got c/agitprop already?