If Tibet isn't free because it's part of China then neither is any province, county, city, town etc. in any country ever. Guess we all ought to become anprims and do away with civilization altogether.
Times are a changin'.
Some hope? Yeah, 60 years is a lot of time for things to change massively. Much hope? No, while there is a raw desire for revolutionary change present within the US, it's in dire need of being refined towards a socialist direction and ruling class's grip is tight enough to not let that happen.
In the US the discontentment towards the status quo is certainly there, the organization and educational awareness isn't.
Treating Russia as an equal and respectfully adhering to their demands and concerns would of been the smart, calculated play for the internationalist capitalist class from the beginning. Now it's almost certainly too little too late, not to mention most of Europe is still stubbornly holding onto to their smug, toxic attitude against Russia.
Every time you sneeze China breaks into and dominants another medium or area of technology.
Truly no other choice. Can't let Russia win in Ukraine or else Russia is then going to sail their entire army through the North Sea to conquer Britain next. Call of Duty plots have taught me as much.
Sad. The silver lining is that civ 6 set my expectations pretty low so I'm not really all that bummed, but it would of been nice to have a good Civ game again.
It's a damn shame considering Finland at one point almost had a successful communist revolution and Stalin himself was sympathetic to Finnish Independence from the Russian Empire. But I suppose that's what pushed the Finnish bourgeoisie to be extra diligent in libwashing the country.
Looks like the free trial has expired.
Taking the mask and smashing it with a sledgehammer moment.
To be fair, I wouldn't exactly expect the people you find on the hoi4 subreddit to be best humanity has to offer.