Oh, another account that will be deleted in 24h!
And then other countries won't do anything about it, same as with Putin and Netanyahu
40k on 160 acres is more density than any city that currently exists...
Which is weird, if they just said that person X said Y on Facebook then the person opening themself to being sued is person X, not the media reporting what they said...
The extra revenues would benefit you through taxes.
Get a project like that started and it opens the door for more and more of them.
This project has been in the cards for a while now, they were ready for the announcement last fall but you know, shit kinda happened at the same time.
If you follow the news cycle you must remember that they were talking about it months ago.
Depends how many floors they have but yeah, that would be quite high density at 60k/km²
No taxation without representation
Why be part of the US if it doesn't represent your interests and if there's a dictator in power?
Meanwhile we just learned that my FiL's chemo was all for nothing and we need to start planning for his end of life care... 65 years old, won't make it to 66, it fucking sucks.
They have the second amendment across the border, would be more than time that they wake the fuck up...
No one ever fucking lived to that age for fuck's sake!
Trump will agree as long as he quits first then pull the rug from under Ukraine.