No. They are just as integral to occupation as any soldier or cop. And occupation is an act of war, regardless of how long it lasts.
The same with the DPRK! Just one more and I swear their government will collapse!
Thank you
Will the US invade Palestine if Israel falls? Obviously I don't want this to happen, but what are the chances that if the Israeli government falls, inshallah, the US will invade directly? They can't directly get involved in Ukraine or Taiwan due to the presence of Russia and China, but because there is no current Palestinian state there would be no formal military the US would have to contend with. Put another way, how did South Africans ensure the US didn't invade them after the fall of apartheid?
It is more complicated than other examples of indignity because of Taiwan's unique history of colonial dominance, that being that it isn't a settler colonial project. The Han people there are not there with the explicit purpose of the eradication of the island's indigenous peoples. This is why I include the island's mostly Han proletariat as having, to an extent, to say in self determination. This situation is a lot less cut and dry than a settler colonial state like Israel, where the settler proletariat, due to their settler status, does not have any say in the self-determination and state of Palestine, only the Palestinians do.
What's the point of their recent visits then? Just a fuck you to China? The US is stupid, but I also believe they believe China is a real threat, especially militarily, so why do this if it's no provocation?