I like it.
Why does it even matter?
Its MFW isn't it? My face when.
POV, point of view, would mean you see the paladin in the picture.
Or is this supposed to be the paladin after getting one shot?
I think the reason is our futile yearning for safety.
People look for patterns so they can fool themselves into thinking they are prepared. They know this group so they know what to expect.
Bullshit, of course.
People are complex, life is dangerous, face your anger and see it is just fear.
I feel they get a lot of worth from the lore implications. How far death root spread, what enemies are having which items and in which part of the map is the catacomb. Stuff like that.
Otherwise I would say the scope was just too much. They should go back to dark souls size game world and focus on making everything more dense and unique.
It is because people are different.
Deep space ninety.
Last action hero. I think the people don't understand that the film does it all on purpose.
It is a love letter to action movies while acknowledging that those are stupid.
Buying the game is cheesing. You have to manifest that shit through sheer will alone.
Back to rocking the suburbs.