
joined 4 days ago

So this video is a little dry and goes into very elementary explanations about capacitors. What got me is I did not know it was a recognized thing that there was some problem in 2002 and I had this funny experience at my work around that time. We had been at the time running large visualization clusters on tiled displays. We had a few that were running off of one type of lcd and they failed a lot. Initially we were rmaing them but it got sorta tiresome so we eventually messed around and found it was always just a bad power supply. So we would buy the power supplies and change them out. But one day the guy I worked with was like. Hey you know its always this one capacitor that seems to be failing. So we bought a bunch of those and started replacing them. So we went from buying like 700 dollar lcds (some extras for ones needing to be in transit or when they went out of warranty) to buying power supplies that cost about 100 dollars to buying capacitors that cost like tend cents a piece.

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

oh. yeah so not really any better than the us although future action looks like it might be better.


Give it a chance. He comes at it showing sorta a worse case and then goes through how there are things that make it seem worse are actually not as bad. Nothing he goes through seems to be way off. So as far as I can tell its pretty even take. Not to rosy and not to doomy.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

thats what I mean though. its great that it will shift but if it goes back again its like one step forward two steps back.

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

folks have felt the pain again and again and yet the pendulum swings.

[–] 7 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

I have wondered this too. Will it just all become bots talking to bots.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

Yeah it usually takes two terms to right the plane and we barely got to level and we are pushing full throttle toward the ground again. This time trump has no real elevation increase to take advantage of.

[–] 24 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

I hate when articles like this use words like controversy. There is no controversy when someone just makes up that a standard thing is now an issue.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

Why the wait to send in peackeepers. Russia shore did not (if im not mistaken they initially called their troop buildup peacekeepers). Would be ironic if the uk and eu ended up defending ukraine with troops given both the us and russia signed a treaty saying they would. I mean russias a backstabber but the us is the person who said they would help and did not (I know we did some stuff but given the treaty we signed we should have stopped the annexation of crimea)

[–] 8 points 4 hours ago

I don't even have a linkedin work persona. its an online resume as well as a way to stay in touch with coworkers mainly by getting or giving recommendations. I don't get why anyone posts there.

[–] 2 points 7 hours ago

yeah I would do this if it worked over starlink provided it gave as good or better connection.

[–] 17 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

weren't they arguing for more h1b's before? sure plenty of folks will want to do it given this.


So this week im running from piefed.

[–] 2 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

I did not like any movies from the series but the first one. I sorta wish they had done an 80's xmen with grace jones, arnold, and jack nicholson.

[–] 2 points 20 hours ago

likely what you don't like about mondays but

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