You're welcome. :)
I worked a job where I had to have an app that tracked me wherever I went. I finally had to tell my boss I couldn't use it anymore because it was killing my battery in like 3 hours.
If I was still working and a job wanted me to put an app on my personal phone I'd tell them to go fuck themselves.
Just another way capitalists thieve money from its workers.
Reminds me of a conversation on the 1923 tv series where a Crow child and elder were discussing where she could go hide out from Indian agents ...
Child - Maybe Canada?
Elder - No, Canada's worse.
Yeah ... we had a child-sized electric chair in a residential school. We were (and still are in many ways) worse.
It's why we can walk around in shorts when it's 8C (46F) outside.
Where in the fuck are you gonna send children to WHEN THEY HAVE NO ADULTS WITH THEM?
Is America just gonna load a plane full of kids and drop them off at some airport in Venezuela???
Jesus fucking Christ.
I refuse to use MSN as a source because it's never the original source. It's only a scraper that rebrands news as its own.
Well fuck ... there it is. :/
In interviews now available online, Pearkes stated that the American Deputy Secretary of Defense told him that Canada did not need to build the Arrow; that the United States had lots of aircraft. Pearkes further explains that in order to honour the NORAD agreement, he felt he needed to introduce the Bomarc missile, which would be the main defensive weapon for Canada. But he noted that if he cancelled the Arrow, Canada would not have an air defence in the ensuing time before the Bomarcs were installed and operational. However, if he struck a deal with the Deputy Secretary of Defense, wherein he would allow American aircraft to train from Canadian bases during that interim period, he could cancel the Arrow and let the US handle our air defence should the need arise. This admission by Pearkes is startling to say the least.
Lead singer Victor Willis is the only one left from the original group.
Trump's just trying to rewrite history using that song.
The leather-clad biker character with a horseshoe mustache has also become a widespread pop culture icon associated with gay culture, and "Y.M.C.A." has become an anthem of the LGBTQ community. According to Jack Fritscher, Jacques Morali drew his inspiration for the character from the dress code of the gay BDSM leather bar and sex club The Mineshaft. Leather man Hughes frequented the club.
Half is still somewhere around 170 million Americans. I mean no political party in recent history has come close to having that kind of support.
It's pretty amazing when you think about it.
In my system it is extremely rare for a judge to found scamming the system. They're also very wary of having a ruling vacated because they didn't follow our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Being appointed also negates them being bought off through donations to an election campaign. And most (if not all) Canadian judges set aside their personal politics to rule as unbiased as possible. The very few who don't often end up censured ... and that doesn't bode well for their judicial futures.
Yup. 60 min talked about that last week. Andrew Natsios, professor at A&M university and former administrator of USAID under Bush, said if/when the current WH refused to enforce a SCOTUS order, that would bring on a constitutional crisis ... and nobody knows what would happen then.