Yeah man, you all were completely enlightened at 24. No shit views in any aspect whatsoever. Born well-read, class-aware and a radical leftist at 23 coming from a rich family. Come on.
In fact, none of your worldviews have changed since you were 24 and you did not grow as a person since then. Because you of course did not need to learn and grow, you reached peak leftist enlightment at 23 and then never changed a bit.
Google has a lot more money
It is more like the data could make money in the future but is not making money right now so they don't have infinite money for storage. If they had I am sure they would be happy to increase free storage limits.
Governments shouldn't [?] whether or not specific content is ok
Yes they should.
Idk why do people act as if online content is detached from real life. Governments decide what type of content/things are ok irl all the time, literally laws are deciding what is ok for you to do and show in real life all the time, everywhere, in all aspects of life. Why do you think online content is untouchable?
In most countries going out and showing your penis in public will land you in jail, why is the government deciding this is inappropriate "content" to be in public? It is just an example out of... thousands.
What do you think would happen if you set up a huge screen on a public square irl and started playing real murder videos that happened recently to people from your own country? Do you think people would see your huge screen showing actual muders and not call the cops on you? Do you think this behaviour would not destroy your life, maybe land you in jail or get you a huge fine, get you lawuits from the victims' families (who were real people on your videos) that you would 100% lose?
If you think governments shouldn't decide what type of content is ok to be shared publicly on social media, I invite you to download a collection of gore videos and set up a huge screen out on the streets and see how long you manage to be showing this in public before it lands you in trouble.
You wouldn't do it and I bet you know damn right that you getting in trouble for this is correct. Why is public social media different? Online = ethereal world where rules don't matter?
Come on dude, online content is not detached from real life.
Remember we are talking about content shared publicly for anyone, even unintentionally, to see. Not private messages and private groups that people join willingly.
These companies hoard data they might have an use for but not even know how yet. Training AI and shit. Deleting stuff ain't in their dictionary.
Thanks, not this in specific but it was something related to not shuting down properly. I powered off from windows by holding the off button instead of clicking on shutdown (I was afraid windows would want to install updates b/c I didn't use it for so long). So I booted windows again and turned it off properly then Debian came back to life.
I know it is annoying to say but this looks so much like AI
Goodness gracious they must have great balls of fire to have done this.
But what if it was trained on covers?
Agree, where I live for recurring subscriptions most people use "digital credit cards" that you generate on your banking app and they have short expiration dates or you can cancel them and generate a new one anytime you want. That's good because there are so many services that make it a pain in the ass to cancel a subscription so you just delete the card from existence.
Incoming a bunch of clickbait and fake advertisement about paid content that a bunch of redditors will pay for to access, and then realize the content isn't there, isn't what they thought it would be or isn't worth paying for / is shit.
Hey, pay to see my sub guys, I promise there are posts with pictures of [????]. You pay and then it is all AI generated pics. Etc.