I guess, do whatever fits your budget and/or conscience? I don't think we push a particular philosophy. Folks pirate for different reasons.
Agree with all of this.
I'm not protesting the ban, which was I suppose reasonable as you have described, though a simple removal would have been appropriate imo. I'm protesting the rule. I think I was fairly clear about that in the original post. I've commented elsewhere in this post about why I find this rule highly problematic, so I won't repeat it all again here, but the attitude that it's ok to protect religion institutions from fair criticism in the name of civility is what leads to church abuses in the first place.
If you want an established rule changed, you go about trying before breaking the rule. That’s just common decency in a forum.
Dude, have you ever tried speaking to LW mods about why their rules are stupid? The only thing they ever respond to is user protests because they dont like how the majority of their own users think.
Nicely said, Philip.
It's literally the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the Catholic church tbh :(
I agree with your assessment, but in my view the moment we start shielding religions institutions from proper scrutiny and criticism, that's exactly the sort of thing that enables and leads directly to church cover-ups of child sex abuse, for example. In a functioning democracy, religious groups should have no special privileges beyond what applies to civil organizations.
They’re calling Luigi supporters tankies because… The middle/lower class cheered for the worst of the bourgeoisie being taken out???
I know right, these mods are such social conservatives. They have no idea what the majority of their users think, or if they do, they disapprove of it. It's such a condescending attitude of "we know best".
ok let's add that to the list of remedies
I think the threat of a sanction still qualifies.
great cliffhanger ending tfkirp
iaDPHt omgiwwtcb
im ready to see the magic
YDI. Seems like a really dumb take. AFAIK to many folks (not from the USA) North Americans are from Canada, USA, Mexico combined with the Central and South American countries, they are collectively known as The Americas. Everyone in the Americas is American in the same sense that all Africans are African despite there being many countries. The arrogance of USAsians co-opting the name of the whole continent of The Americas as though they are the only country that matters is kind of mind boggling.