
joined 8 months ago
[–] 11 points 7 hours ago

in terms of which parties will makeup the goverment?

hard to tell right now, CDU and SPD seems most likely to me.

everything else?

we had a very high voter participiation ( probably around 83%) and still a fascist party reached 20% of votes, which is depressing as hell.

I don't see how the CDU will tackle any actual problems, a huge chunk of our work force will retire in the coming years, and we still fail to integrate enough foreign workers to counter act that and are not doing enough to treat refugees and migrants in a way that would allow them to become a qualified part of the work force in a reasonable amount of time.

housing prices will continue to rise, infrastructure in general would need hefty investments, which are almost impossible to make because of the so called "Schuldenbremse" and climate change won't be treated as a world wide emergency but as a cost factor for industries that are not sustainable if we actually want to live on this Planet.

tl;dr: It sucks, and it will get worse.

Willkommen in der Kommune, wir sind albern und beißen nicht.

[–] 15 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (2 children)

jedes mal wenn jemand die Titelregel misachtet findet man irgendwo n Wahlzettel mit FDP-Stimmen drauf!

e: gut so, 1 richtiger Titel = 1 glückliche Dunstabzugshaubitze

[–] 1 points 19 hours ago

does authentik offer an option to preview a jwt for a given user? might be as simple as that the claim is not named "ocisAdmin" or is not a toplevel entry in the jwt.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

not an authentik user, but after skimming their docs i think you have to:

  1. create a role "ocisAdmin" via authentiks admin interface
  2. give this role to a group in the admin interface or create one.
  3. assign a user thats supposed to be an owncloud admin to the group

it might be that you also have to define somekind of mapper to include this in the informations owncloud receives from authentik, but as i said i only skimmed the docs and would personally just try it without the mapper.

oh, thats good to know, forgejo seems way nicer for self hosting than the limited gitlab open source core.

[–] 18 points 2 days ago (4 children)

is an opensource implementation of a registry.

you could also self host something like gitlab, which bundles this or sonatype nexus which can serve as a repository for several kinds of artifacts including container images.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

meine Erfahrung mit chatbots und java code lässt mich vermuten, dass der code dadurch nicht besser wird.

Ausserdem ist das java 8 und ne uralte spring version, ich hoffe die dinger wurden auf aktuellerem trainiert.

nein, die antwort könnte den Entwickler verunsichern.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)


used it with a java (spring) backend and with a python(flask) backend to get rid of some page reloads and an easy way to display information based on something happening in the backend via server sent events. did not need to do much more than wrap parts of the existing html templates in -elements and the client code to handle server sent events was pretty small to. fun experience, especially because most of my code stayed in languages, iam way more comfortable with than javascript.

htmx would have worked simmiliar, but i had prior experience with turbo, so i used that.

[–] 13 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Pofallawende, die: Das zurückschicken eines Zuges bevor er seinen Zielbahnhof erreicht. Wird bei größeren Verspätungen angewendet, da Zugausfälle nicht als Verspätung in der Statistik der Deutschen Bahn gezählt werden.


Man glaubt nie das es einem selbst passieren könnte


50mm, f 1.8, 1/5000s, iso 100


50mm, f 2.2, 1/800s, ISO 100


Hat mir der Youtube-Algorithmus an den Kopf geworfen.

Ich hab zwar schon lange keine Rollenspiel gruppe mehr, aber ich glaube das Video taugt auch als Beispiel wie ADHS Dinge schwer machen kann das auch von Leuten mit Gehirn in Standardkonfugiration verstanden wird.

Und Strategien und Hilfsmittel schaffen ist immer gut nicht nur beim Spielen.

ich🤯iel (
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

handle stets so, dass dein Verhalten eine Zeitschleife ist!


Not from my teens, but something i have not listened to in ages. aadly they only released a single ep to my knowledge.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

youtube decided to throw music at me, that i listened to in my teens. Some of it i still really enjoy.

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