I’d hire you as my personal chef
I've done things along this line too many times since having kids lol
Worst lately was trying to get a juice box for the kid and intending to throw away the straw wrapper but instead throwing away the straw and being left with a kid pissed at having no straw to drink her juice box
"Flip a coin. When it's in the air, you'll know which side you're hoping for." - Arnold Rothstein in Boardwalk Empire
You’re awesome, thank you
The fact they have that kind of money to blow on one player is wild and scary
Cheers, thank you.
Just curious, are we sure the numbers reported are “net gain” and not “number of new subscribers”? Distinction being “number of new subscribers” would be all the people that signed up, and “net gain” would be all the people that signed up & subtract those that canceled?
Earnings reports are always full of word tricks to paint the prettiest picture so I’m just curious if we know the net number?
For example, all those articles that came out a week after the change went into effect were bullshit bc they didn’t take into account people who canceled and still had days left til their end of month, instead they only captured the 3 days after the policy change and Netflix got all the media to report this awesome stat for them.
With Europa Conf League games as well, I’m unsure what to expect honestly. We’ve never had to deal with such a busy schedule so it could hurt our chances in the league.
This signing and others are not only about improving our 11, but moreso our depth to handle the increase in games
I’m watching, but on dvr. I’m in the US and have 2 young kids so only way to watch for me is to watch on dvr during the workday.
Other than US matches, I should be able to avoid spoilers from friends which is only way I’d get spoiled
Anímate the first 100 issues of TMNT’s current comic run by IDW and keep it to a 1 issue per episode pacing.
Hey…uh need more friends?
from the thumbnail, thought it was the Simpsons car haha