
joined 2 years ago
[–] -5 points 1 day ago

Not helpful, but oops, I had accidentally disliked this post😅

I removed the dislike:)

[–] 17 points 1 day ago

Greece mentioned!! Ayoo

Krav boca anyone?

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Παρα το καποιο κρυο, ειχε καλη μερα εδω, δεν ηθελα να επιστρεψω σπιτι νωρις😆

[–] 20 points 4 days ago (4 children)

For some more context:

💀💀 seems like dd commands and gnome's MultiWriter might be the only ways to flash stuff on linux

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

I think You know the answer and so do I

.Yeah consider this being rickrolled:)

But yeah, it's probably capitalism and whatever adjacent to it

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Newpipe fails too:/ (as well as the greasemoneky script I use on my browser)

[–] 78 points 1 week ago (22 children)

I think we dont need conservative communities on lemmy, we can do without them

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I'm imagining this rather often.🥹 Going to the store with our reusable containers and filling them with what we need (~ideally in a moneyless society)

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Oh oke, thats interesting, didn't know that😄

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Haha ulefone has some unique configurations:)

I think I prefer it that they took that path, at least they offer something interesting (would be way cooler if they used snapdragon cpus, but ok).😄

Wait, armor 24? A relative of mine had a ulefone armor in 2016, maybe armor 4 or 5 or 6, huh, time flies (at that time the fancy thing that phone had was probably the slightly bigger than average battery).

Edit: They had a ulefone power, not an armor, now I remembered:)


After about a month of using Nixos, I realized my apps don't use my discrete gpu. I have an intel cpu with integrated graphics and a discrete amd gpu. On windows I had set all apps to use discrete gpu when the laptop was on power. Before I say more, some info for my system:

Fastfetch outputOS: NixOS 25.05 (Warbler) x86_64

Host: Inspiron 5567

Kernel: Linux 6.12.12

DE: KDE Plasma

WM: KWin (Wayland)

WM Theme: Breeze

Theme: Breeze (Dark) [Qt]

Icons: breeze-dark [Qt], breeze-dark [GTK2/3/4]

Font: Noto Sans (10pt) [Qt], Noto Sans (10pt) [GTK2/3/4]

Cursor: breeze (24px)

Terminal: konsole 24.12.1

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U (4) @ 3.10 GHz

GPU 1: AMD Radeon R5 M445 Series [Discrete]

GPU 2: Intel HD Graphics 620 @ 1.00 GHz [Integrated]

Memory: 3.23 GiB / 23.37 GiB (14%)

Swap: Disabled

Disk (/): 88.15 GiB / 195.85 GiB (45%) - ext4

Disk (/home): 514.67 GiB / 716.87 GiB (72%) - ext4

Locale: en_US.UTF-8

My main issue is that my bottles apps (bottles is a wine prefix manager) can't run its wine prefixes with a discrete gpu. I have the nixpkgs version of bottles (not the flatpak one which the developer suggests using). Things I've tried:

  • Enabling/Disabling the "use discrete graphics" option inside the bottle (only the integrated gpu is being used)
  • Launching bottles from command line with DRI_PRIME=1 and bottles opened for a little and then closed, by reporting this:
    terminal output
(process:4413): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:35:38.358: Unknown key gtk-modules in /home/bs/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini

(process:4413): Adwaita-WARNING **: 10:35:38.384: Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead.

(bottles:4413): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:35:39.395: Theme parser warning: style.css:184:3-185:1: Expected ';' at end of block

(bottles:4413): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:35:39.395: Theme parser warning: style-dark.css:23:3-24:1: Expected ';' at end of block
10:35:39 (INFO) Launching with URI: None 
10:35:39 (INFO) [Activate] request received. 
10:35:39 (WARNING) Bottles is only supported within a sandboxed format. Official sources of Bottles are available at: 
10:35:39 (WARNING) 
10:35:39 (WARNING) Please report any issues at: 
10:35:39 (INFO) Bottles Started! 

  • Launching the game from command line with DRI_PRIME=1 bottles-cli run -p OuterWilds -b Outer_Wilds after having enabled/disabled the "use discrete graphics" option inside the bottle (kept using the integrated graphics instead)
  • Launching the game from bottles gui, after using the enviroment variable DRI_PRIME=1 and enabling/disabling the "use discrete gpu" option (kept using the integrated graphics instead)
  • Adding the following code to my configuration.nix: = {
    enable = true;
    enable32Bit = true;
  • Launching the game from bottles gui, after using the enviroment variable DRI_PRIME=1 DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME="AMD Radeon R5 M445 Series (RADV ICELAND)" and enabling/disabling the "use discrete gpu" option (it told me that I don't have directX11 installed, but the game should run without it according to steamdb)
  • Setting KDE power profile from "Balanced" to "Performance"

Note that I can launch native apps with discrete gpu by typing in the terminal DRI_PRIME=1 $program_name, where $program_name is the name of the program I want to launch (like SuperTuxKart).

Is there a way to launch bottle apps with my discrete gpu or at least run all of my apps with my discrete gpu? Some extra related links I found, but didn't solve my issue:


Cross-posted it at the discourse forum


Παραιτείται ο πρωθυπουργός της Σερβίας, Μίλος Βούτσεβιτς, μετά από εβδομάδες μαζικών διαδηλώσεων κατά της διαφθοράς, με αφορμή τη φονική κατάρρευση ενός τσιμεντένιου στεγάστρου στο σιδηροδρομικό σταθμό στο Νόβι Σαντ τον περασμένο Νοέμβριο.
Η κατάρρευση του στέγαστρου, από την οποία σκοτώθηκαν 15 άνθρωποι στη βόρεια πόλη Νόβι Σαντ, έγινε ένα σημείο ανάφλεξης που αντανακλά την ευρύτερη δυσαρέσκεια για την ολοένα και πιο αυταρχική διακυβέρνηση του προέδρου της Σερβίας, Αλεξάνταρ Βούτσιτς. Ο ίδιος έχει αντιμετωπίσει κατηγορίες για περιορισμό των δημοκρατικών ελευθεριών στη Σερβία, παρά το γεγονός ότι επιδιώκει επίσημα την ένταξη της ταραγμένης βαλκανικής χώρας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.
Ο δήμαρχος του Νόβι Σαντ, Μίλαν Τζούριτς, όπως σημειώνει το Associated Press θα παραιτηθεί επίσης την Τρίτη, δήλωσε ο Βούτσεβιτς.
Η παραίτηση του Βούτσεβιτς είναι πιθανό να οδηγήσει σε πρόωρες βουλευτικές εκλογές. Η παραίτηση πρέπει να επιβεβαιωθεί από το κοινοβούλιο της Σερβίας, το οποίο έχει 30 ημέρες για να επιλέξει νέα κυβέρνηση ή να προκηρύξει πρόωρες εκλογές.

Μπραβο στην Σερβια, σε ουτε 3μηνες τους εριξαν. Τρομερο παραδειγμα για τις υπολοιπες χωρες. Και στα δικα μας:)


BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Serbia’s populist Prime Minister Milos Vucevic resigned Tuesday in an attempt to calm political tensions following weeks of massive anti-corruption protests over the deadly collapse of a concrete canopy. The canopy collapse in November, which killed 15 people in the northern city of Novi Sad, has become a flashpoint reflecting wider discontent with the increasingly autocratic rule of Serbia’s populist President Aleksandar Vucic. He has faced accusations of curbing democratic freedoms in Serbia despite formally seeking European Union membership for the troubled Balkan nation. Novi Sad Mayor Milan Djuric also will step down on Tuesday, Vucevic said. Vucevic’s resignation could lead to an early parliamentary election.


BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Serbia’s populist Prime Minister Milos Vucevic resigned Tuesday in an attempt to calm political tensions following weeks of massive anti-corruption protests over the deadly collapse of a concrete canopy. The canopy collapse in November, which killed 15 people in the northern city of Novi Sad, has become a flashpoint reflecting wider discontent with the increasingly autocratic rule of Serbia’s populist President Aleksandar Vucic. He has faced accusations of curbing democratic freedoms in Serbia despite formally seeking European Union membership for the troubled Balkan nation. Novi Sad Mayor Milan Djuric also will step down on Tuesday, Vucevic said. Vucevic’s resignation could lead to an early parliamentary election.


Hello, I'm thinking of creating a matrix account after a long time and I thought about creating one on an anarchist server (like something with similar ideas in this lemmy server). Do you have any suggestions? I was looking at this database, but it says it has gone down and they provide a json list.

I found , but I saw that they removed the mention of anarchy from their description. (Compare this snapsot from 2025/01/05 with today's snapsot.)

Hopefully this is the correct place to ask, if not, pls direct me to a more appropriate community:)

Edit: The admin of the server told me that 4d2 became a non-profit company ( and they don't want to look that political to avoid any legal issues (I think they have to be non-politicaland such, so they removed the mention of anarchy from their website description.😄 (I eventually made an account there.)


Θελουν ο κοσμος να φοβαται..

Bonus tracks:)


I just saw that the github user bambanah seems to has started to continue the development of deemix!!

There's now a docker image you can use too.

Reddit link with more info about it:

I see many posts about piracy services closing down, so maybe this post gives some hope:)


After around 4 months of reading manuals, forums, watching tutorials and asking online, I've eventually managed to have an almost properly working NixOS installation on my pc and wiped the Win10 partition (I have win10 in a VM as a fallback mechanism)!

I started this journey initially wanting to switch to linux and I started my tests with Debian Stable. But the repo was really old (as expected), so I tried the Testing variant. But this repo had missing packages. I tried Unstable for a few moments too, but I crashed and didn't want to bother. I figured that I could make a script to (declaratively?) fetch and auto update packages from github, bypassing Debian Testing.

Then it was when I looked at NixOS and found out that the whole system kinda does what my script would do, but much much much better. Almost ever since then I tried to learn almost everything I needed and a few extra stuff to get it working. This is the configuration I've come up with so far (it's probably considered simple).

I also made a guide to keep track of what I was doing and what I would have to do once I took the decision to transition to Linux/NixOS, hopefully it might help others too:

Finally I can be called a Linux user :)


Hello everyone, I'm very close to finishing my configuration files for NixOS. I have those working on my nixos installation on my external drive, but before I officially move to nixos I'd like to make sure that I'm not doing something wrong.

Could someone please check my config files? (I only use flakes.nix, configuration.nix, home.nix and hardware.nix and I'd say they aren't much complicated.)

My main concearn is that I probably use the import and modules functions wrong (yet somehow they work?). I've read and watched numerous guides for the last 3 months, but I think I still mess this up😅. I think following a bunch of different guides and videos added to the confusion a bit. (A recent guide I read made me have doubts about my set up.)

This is the link to my nixos configs:

Hopefully by the end of the next week I'll be posting here about having transitioned to linux/nixos:)

Sample of probably wrong usage of modules in flakes.nix

    outputs = {self, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs: {
      nixosConfigurations = {
      nixos = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
        system = "x86_64-linux";
        specialArgs = { inherit inputs; };
        modules = [

            home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;
            home-manager.useUserPackages = true;

   = import ./hosts/default/home.nix;

            home-manager.extraSpecialArgs = { inherit inputs; };

#           inputs.spicetify-nix.nixosModules.default

Sample of probably wrong usage of imports in configuration.nix

imports =
    [ # Include the results of the hardware scan.

(I think I'm not using home manager in configuration.nix, that's why I've commented it out, and I'm importing it directly in flakes.nix.)


2 months old article, but the video explains well what and how Umu launcher works.

Essentially I think it replaces Steam's runtime environment, by doing kinda what this runtime does, but for all games (even non-steam ones). It has a database to match the games, so that umu knows what scripts to run the game (like setting environment variables, installing dependencies etc.).

Lutris now (if I understood well) uses umu when you choose the proton runner. You can enable it in Heroic launcher as well. You can also run umu "bare" through command line, by creating the wine prefix, feeding it a name to match it to the database and let it do its work (I think this is presented at around 01:30:00 mark). As time passes, more programs seem to adopt it.

It's a ~40mins presentation which starts about after the first hour in the video. Took me really long to understand how this works, hope it will help others (posting it here as cracked games tend to be installed out of steam).😅


2 months old article, but the video explains well what and how Umu launcher works.

Essentially I think it replaces Steam's runtime environment, by doing kinda what this runtime does, but for all games (even non-steam ones). It has a database to match the games, so that umu knows what scripts to run the game (like setting environment variables, installing dependencies etc.).

Lutris now (if I understood well) uses umu when you choose the proton runner. You can enable it in Heroic launcher as well. You can also run umu "bare" through command line, by creating the wine prefix, feeding it a name to match it to the database and let it do its work (I think this is presented at around 01:30:00 mark). As time passes, more programs seem to adopt it.

It's a ~40mins presentation which starts about after the first hour in the video. Took me really long to understand how this works, hope it will help others (posting it here as cracks tend to be installed out of steam).😅


2 months old article, but the video explains well what and how Umu launcher works.

Essentially I think it replaces Steam's runtime environment, by doing kinda what this runtime does, but for all games (even non-steam ones). It has a database to match the games, so that umu knows what scripts to run the game (like setting environment variables, installing dependencies etc.).

Lutris now (if I understood well) uses umu when you choose the proton runner. You can enable it in Heroic launcher as well. You can also run umu "bare" through command line, by creating the wine prefix, feeding it a name to match it to the database and let it do its work (I think this is presented at around 01:30:00 mark). As time passes, more programs seem to adopt it.

It's a ~40mins presentation which starts about after the first hour in the video. Took me really long to understand how this works, hope it will help others.😅

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